This thread is intended for us to talk about low points for us in 40k. What do I mean by low point? Well, it could be anything from a bad moment in battle to a modeling mishaps. We've all had those in abundance I've bet. But the bottom line is the low point sucks. Some of mine:

My very first Landraider. I was so happy to get that bad boy. Been saving up for it for months. And had visions of it rampaging through my enemy's army grinding infantry into a smear beneath its treads. For the 3 nights it took me to work on it I'd cackle with glee as these visions amused me. And so it was with much excitement I placed it on the table in its debut battle. My opponent got the first turn.

And my Landraider was killed before it ever even got to move. I was crestfallen. Nay, I was devastated. Ruined the whole game for me.

Then there was my cursed lascannon wielding Devastator. Who would miss turn after turn and game after game. The other guys would hit often. But this Marine missed almost every time. And when he did hit it would always end up some lousy crew shaken crap. Clearly this Marine needed to switch career choices. Eventually I just abandoned him on the battlefield. Until one day I read an article about gamer superstitions. So I tried something. I began to paint the muzzles of weapons, or other appropriate pieces red. Hey, if red makes Ork trukks go faster surely it'll make Imperium weapons hit better right? Well, this low point proved to turn out for the best! My superstition worked and this dummy Marine began hitting the target and achieving results!

Then there was the time I discovered a Space Marine bolter glued to my belly several hours after I had stopped working on models. Don't you dare call me Bolterbelly!

Another low point was the when my only batch of models from FW came in. DKOK infantry, a Centaur and a quad launcher. And the heavy stubber in the pack with the Centaur arrived snapped in two! And it's dozer blade looked as if it was disintegrating. But the true low point came when I decided to spray a base coat on my infantry. And the force of the spray blew one off the table where it then broke when it hit the floor!

My opponent has constant low points in every game: he always forgets to deploy something, or move something, or roll a reserve, which almost always causes him to lose.

So how about you guys? What are your low points?