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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK

    Default 40k Doubles: What would you take with this list?

    My mate is taking the list below to the 40k doubles weekend later this year and i'm gonna be joining him. What would you take to complement this list, totally open ended except for Dark eldar, necrons and nids who are nonos on the alliances matrix.

    875pt army, has to have 1 HQ, 1 Troop
    Has to fit into standard FoC with the below army so (1 hq, 3 troops, 3 elites, 2 fast, 3 heavy available).

    I know its a weird list, not super competitive from him but its a labour of love army for him (all old metal cadians!).

    I'm thinking something all out assaulty like blood angel assault marines with sanc priests and melta a'plenty. Problem i'm having is its so hard to have to include a hq and get much out of marines at 875pts

    note this is not my list, this is what my partner is taking.

    His list:

    Imperial Guard - 875
    Cmd -115pts
    CCS [50], P-Fist [15], 2 Melta [20], MoO [30]

    Inf Platoon -182pts
    PCS [30], Boltgun [2], 2x Flamers [10]
    INF Squad [50], Lascannon [20]
    INF Squad [50], Lascannon [20]

    Inf Platoon -302pts
    PCS [30], Bolt Pistol [2], 2x Flamers [10]
    INF Squad [50], Autocannon [10], G-Launcher [10]
    INF Squad [50], Autocannon [10], G-Launcher [10]
    INF Squad [50], Autocannon [10], G-Launcher [10]
    INF Squad [50], Autocannon [10], G-Launcher [10]

    Vet squad -160pts
    VETS [70], P-Fist [15], Demolitions [30], 2x Plasma Guns [30], M-Launcher [15]

    Sentinels -120pts
    3x Scout Sentinels [105] 3x Autocannon [15]

  2. #2


    Orks. Nob Bikers or Kan wall should sort U out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Kan wall! nice idea!

    Been trying to figure out a nice close combat side to the army, that'd help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    A jump pack Libby is just 125. 750 points can get you a lot of assault marines.

  5. #5


    Khorne Daemons. Excellent close combat capability and could put the hurt on tough units.

  6. #6


    Big Mek with KFF, 9 Kans and as many Boys as U can squeeze in.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Tynskel View Post
    A jump pack Libby is just 125. 750 points can get you a lot of assault marines.
    you'd think. Problem is the army is very boned against a14, so they need melta and fists and thats about 230ish a squd, add a hq and a sanc priest and its a squeeze to get 25 marines in there
    Last edited by Latro_; 03-17-2012 at 12:01 PM.

  8. #8


    I just competed in a 875pts (times 2 ) doubles tournie and most marine lists didn't top 25 models.
    I saw a lot of Land raiders and drop pods.

    Your partner didn't bring much mobility so you probably want to be fast, moving your guys forward to protect his relatively squishy Guard.
    Also I dont think there is any reason for his list to have 2 platoons (other than to eat up points) as he can take up to 6 infantry squads per platoon (and for most doubles lists you just need one troops choice each).

    Blood angels- Go for a Raven with a dred hanging out underneath, stuff it with assault marines and a Sang priest and go create so havoc.

    Have you thought about using White Scars? Outflanking marines would be a nasty combo when combined with a Guard castle.

    If you are using the GW allies chart Guard can ally with anyone except nids (necrons and D Eldar are an unholy alliance which is still allowed)
    Last edited by Kevlarshark; 03-17-2012 at 01:08 PM. Reason: missed a few details

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    How about this

    Big Mek 85
    Kustom force field (50)

    3 Killa Kans 135
    Grotzookas (30)

    3 Killa Kans 135
    Grotzookas (30)

    3 Killa Kans 150
    Rokkits (45)

    25 Shoota Boyz 185
    Nob (10)
    Power Klaw (25)

    25 Slugga Boyz 185
    Sluggas, Choppas
    Nob (10)
    Power Klaw (25)

    875 on then nose

    148 models in our army! 12 walkers lol. It might not be competitive but its freakin funny, fluffy (my orks are blood axes) and i think works well overall.
    Last edited by Latro_; 03-17-2012 at 02:22 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Vallejo, CA


    875 should offer no trouble in terms of points. Determine what your cadisn buddy is best at, then compliment that with your HQ and other selections. Don't forget scouts as a cheap troop option. You should have plenty of points for a unit or two of your choice. Heck how about studios and 2-3 units of sternguard? That way you can do scoring units all over the back field
    Last edited by thecactusman17; 03-17-2012 at 07:30 PM.

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