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  1. #31


    #1: Second edition Orks Codex. I want my cyboars and pulsa rokkits back, dammmnitt!
    #2: Fifth edition Dark Eldar Codex. Hard army to play, but loads of fun.
    #3: Eye of Terror. My poor Lost and the Damned have been gathering dust for five years!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Dixie, Dixie


    #1) Witch Hunters. Cool fluff and lots of alternative army builds. You could use IG, Space Marines, Assasins, Sistas, Ninja Turtles (ok, maybe not them), almost anything in the imperium. Amazing conversion options too. Made some great arco-flagellents out of fantasy ghouls, inquisitors out of free companies, etc.
    #2) Armegeddon. An inexpensive little book packed with fluff and fun. Great pictures too.
    #3) I am a Nid player who actually likes the latest codex. I know...I know...yes it is not a very competitve codex but the new big gribblies (Tervigons, Parasite, Doom, Mawloc, etc.) are really interesting and characterful critters.

  3. #33


    Best codex was the Blood Angels in the 3rd ed. They were brutal.

  4. #34


    orks, fluff wise, just a fun read. although i play nids and space marines

  5. #35

  6. #36

  7. #37


    3rd edition Eldar and Craftworld books. Iyanden and Aliatoc were just broken. My Iyanden force had 3 Warwalkers and 3 Wraithlords. My friend's Aliatoc froce had so many Ranger disruption rolls that his opponent's rarely had more than half their army starting on the board turn 1.
    "Wisdom means having the ability to admit what you do not know."

  8. #38


    Tyranids 4th. was really fun and versatile.

    I miss those 2x TL spamming devourers

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Plymouth, UK


    Chaos 3rd edition and Chaos 4.5 (? - the one before the current codex).

    Awesome pictures, background and you could build really individual and themed armies while still being competitive.

    They also were a lot darker than the children-friendly codex we have now. I'm a firm believer in darker chaos codexes - chaos isn't for innocents


  10. #40


    1) Lost and the Damned without a doubt. By GW's fluff 95% of the Chaos forces should be able to be represented by this codex. (Where is an updated version, GW?)

    2) first Blood Angels codex, although the vehicle options in the current codex make it almost a toss up.

    3) Space Marines w/ Traits (v3?) - not everything was as balanced as it could/should have been but having options and different ways of creating lists is always better than codices that boil down to one or two effective builds.

    4) Imperial Guard w/ Doctrines (v4). same as SM with Traits.

    5) Chaos (v3) can I say ditto again. Options are a good thing.
    1. There are female marines and my Sunhawks will explain it to you.
    2. We are the Emperor's Children and we WILL redeem our honor.

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