This depressing tale goes pretty much as the title suggests. I've not been playing for too long, but have been going to down to my local games workshop with some regularity and playing some beginner games. These have generally been going well and i have not lost yet, despite challenging far more experienced players. So this is all good, where it starts to turn bad is when i decided to challenge my girlfriend to a game one night. She is really supportive about the hobby and everything but i really dont think 40K is her thing per se. Before meeting me i really dont think she had a clue what 40K was, and had certainly never played(unless she is lying and was some kind of prodigy, and is having a massive laugh at how clueless i am). I thought i may as well try and see what it would be like between us. So, i have a fairly large Space Marine force so to keep it simple we did Tac Squad vs Tac Squad to get into the dynamics of basic play and BOOM. I was wiped out by turn 5. I kid you not, there have never been more sixes rolled in history. She is a machine. These games became a nightly thing and so did her incredible form. The best result i have managed so far is one draw! I very rapidly decided to change the format. I thought, ok, in an objective game hopefully i can neutralize all this flukey rolling with tactical adeptness. No again. I am still to this day loosing. Even when i tried cheating (well, giving myself a greater points advantage courtesy of an extra Nobz squad) she still beat me. I think i may have discovered the Emperors daughter. She plays incredibly! It isn't just great rolling, she has a plethora of skills. This is honestly not a joke. So this week we are going to go and play at Games Workshop and put this extraordinary form to a greater test.

I know most people are going to say that this must just be down to the fact that i suck, and although that may be partly true, it doesn't account for what is happening. She is indeed a very gifted player. I thought i'd share this because it isn't really a depressing tale. I think it speaks well of Warhammer that someone can come to the game with little experience and be pretty competitive. Also that it isn't just about who has been into the game for the longest is a guaranteed winner, but I know this is a case a lot of the time. Plus we had a great laugh playing, especially on her part at how perplexed i am. So let this serve as a warning to those 40k'ers with girlfriends, challenge them at your peril!

Anyway, hope this amused you all sufficiently.