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  1. #11


    I'd recomment 25. I feel 15 is a fine level to learn the basic rules, but that it doesn't give you a sense of what the game is really like. 25 is about the smallest you can play and have a decently rounded out force, granted your model choices are not deliberately bad.

  2. #12


    There is really no need to go past the battlebox to start. It has everything you need to learn the rules and get the experience required to make informed choices about future purchases. Past that, if you're interested in another caster, like Sloan, picking her up, and a plastic heavy, which can be magnetized for maximum cash and bag-space efficiency will make the path to the more frequently played 25-35 point games much easier. Once you've gotten the practice in with the caster you want, you'll have a much easier time figuring out what you want to use moving forward.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Roaming the eye


    Kara sloan was my first caster when I started WH. She brings a good shooting game but doesn't have alot of synergy with the Cygnar BB. But I know when I bought khador BB I got parts for 3 different heavies can't say they did the same for the ironclad.

    This was the list I used when I started with her.

    Kara +6 WJP
    Defender 9
    2x hunters 12

    Good start takes advantage of feat turn and she makes these good shootie jacks better. To add more units you this list up to 25/35.

    25 list

    Kara +6 WJP
    Defender 9
    2x hunters 12
    No battlegroup
    Arcane tempest gun mages 6
    Captain strangeways 2
    Reinholdt gobber speculator 2 (kara's new best friend)
    1 point left

    ATGM give you some good anti infantry and other tricks, Strangeways fixes 1 WJ a focus point if it didn't get focus. Reinholdt gives you a range check, 1 reroll to melee/range attack and gives kara a second shot a turn regardless of RoF.

    35 List

    Kara +6 WJP
    Defender 9
    2x hunters 12
    No battlegroup
    Arcane tempest gun mages 6
    -ATGM officer 2
    Boomhowler & co min unit 6
    -Captain jonas Murdoch 2
    Captain strangeways 2
    Reinholdt gobber speculator 1
    1 point left over

    ATGM officer gives the unit true sight(ingores stealth clouds LoS) he is also a jack marshal and really a must have from the unit. Boomhowler is a tough melee unit that gives kara much needed attrition so you can line up the kill shot. Murdoch makes Boomhowler infaction instead of merc so kara can use her feats and feat on them her spell deadeye combined with murdochs assault order is sick.

    I know none of these are in the battlebox but if your serious about kara this is a good start hope it helps.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Bangor, ME


    35 points and 50 points tends to be the regular game size, but I think 25 works fairly well too. It lets you use the battlebox, a full unit, and then maybe a solo or two to bring things up to the full 25 points.

    I also think 20 points is a good size for teaching the game. Playing with only warnouns means you're leaving out an important element of the game.

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