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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Winchester, VA

    Default 1750 Black Templars

    Hey guys! I know it's not news to anyone, but the Black Templars codex lets you do some cool stuff!

    I came up with this list that looks fun.

    Marshal-Power Weapon, Terminator Honors, Bolt Pistol, Frag grenades, Iron Halo

    Emperor's Champion-Accept Any Challenge (prefered enemy)

    5 Initiates-Lascannon, Plasma Gun

    5 Initiates-Lascannon, Plasma Gun

    10 Initiates-Power Fist, Power Weapon, Frag Grenades

    5 Terminators-2 Assault Cannons, Tank Hunters

    5 Terminators-2 Assault Cannons, Tank Hunters

    Dreadnought-Tl Lascannon

    Predator Anihilator-Heavy Bolter Sponsons

    Vindicator-PotMS, Searchlight

    Vindicator-PotMS, Searchlight


    I think it seems alright. The Terminator squads with 8 Assault Cannon shots with tank hunters...ouchies. There's not much that won't take out. Little las-plas squads hunker in cover and shoot (and cost a whole 101 points each. Awesome!) Characters go with the bigger CC oriented squad and support the tanks. Power of the Machine Spirit on Vindicators means unless you take the gun off or wreck it, you will be getting demolishered. The pred will hang back with the las plasers and the dread will advance between the terminator squads.

    Not the most competitive ever, but it looks fun and plays somewhat to the existing strengths of the book.

    Thoughts? How can I improve it without majorly changing the feel of the list?

  2. #2


    hmm...if your gona foot slog that initiate squad then your definately gona wana beef it up with some neophytes. The proud sons of dorn may not cower behind walls and pillars, but we definately love our meat shields.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    El paso tx


    if you are going to keep the pred in the back and have it plunk at vics at long range then why spend the points on the hvy bolters? seems to me you could spend those points on somthing you acculy plan to use? but other than that should be fun to play
    "There's too many men, too many people, Making too many problems,
    And not much love to go round, Can't you see this is a land of confusion?"

  4. #4


    Seems kinda light on CCW doesn't it? I played BT for 10 or so years, and I always had a problem taking more guns than swords. Especially if you're taking the preferred enemy vow.

    I've had great success with the AC terminators with tank hunter though, nasty! Preferred enemy with that many powerfists works out just fine.

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