Hi there.

I'm a new player looking to get in on this great game. About a year ago, my FLGS was phasing several old Warmahorde kits out, so they were selling they were selling the models for a steep discount (45% off). I always liked the look and feel of Warmachine/Hordes but never really paid it much heed (too busy with 40k and other hobbies). I wound up purchasing several boxes of models, principally because they were really cool but also because I thought I could use them in my D&D games. Plus, I figured I wanted to play the game, some day, so I may as well buy some models well the getting was good.

Unfortunately, the kid in me who screams "Ooooo shiny!" in me wound up purchasing quite a diverse lot of models, including:

- Cryx Starter Set
- Cygnar Starter Set
- Boomhowler & Co.
- Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
- Necrosurgeon and Stitch Thralls (x2)
- Satyxis Raiders (x2)
- Dire Troll Bomber
- Warmachine MKII Rulebook

The other day I was at my FLGS browsing for this and that when I saw some people playing Warmachine. I passively watched a game and thought it looked like a lot of fun, so I decided to hop in and play the game!

I took an inventory today and found I don't really have enough models for an entirely single faction force at 35 points, which is kind of disappointing given the sheer number of models I own.

I was wondering, do any of the units I own look like they could fit together to form a coherent force without necessarily going out and spending a ton of additional money?