Quote Originally Posted by Avian@Warseer
Warriors of Chaos rumour summary

Time scale
Supposedly fourth quarter 2012. If this is the case, then most likely October, since there is no tradition of releasing army books in December and November will probably be devoted to the new Hobbit game.
Thus if it is indeed out Q4, it will most likely be on Saturday the 6. of October. If it's around that time, but no actually Q4, then candidates are 1. of September and 5. of January 2013.
Or Q4 could be wildly inaccurate. Most years have had 3 army book releases, so it is likely that something will be out this year, probably in the second half of the year, but it could also be something like Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Bretonnia, Daemons or Wood Elves.

Miniature releases

Updates for existing models¨
For the three latest releases, the entire model range has been available in either plastic or resin apart from the old classic model (ex: Zacharias on Zombie Dragon, presumably because there was little interest in converting him to resin when there is a new plastic Zombie Dragon out). Assuming that this trend continues, the following changes would need to be made:

- Lords of Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle on various daemonic mounts: Resin (almost certainly) or plastic (unlikely)
- Champions of Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle on foot: Resin or plastic (either equally likely)
- Sigvald and Wulfrik: Resin
- unmarked Sorcerer on foot: Resin (most likely as there is already a plastic version)
- Nurgle Sorcerer on foot: Resin or plastic (either equally likely)
- unmarked Sorcerer on steed: Resin (most likely) or plastic (possible)
- Dechala: Resin or kept as metal

- Galrauch / Chaos Dragon: Plastic (most likely) or no new model and a plastic version released later (unlikely). Presumably the plastic Dragon would have the option for variant riders or be kept unridden to represent Galrauch. It may or may not include parts for a plastic special character rider (likely to be the old Engrim van Horstmann if so).

- Chaos Chariot / Warshrine: Plastic (almost certainly). Obvious candidate for a plastic kit as the current chariot model is very, very old. The description of the Warshrine makes it likely that the kit will build either model, but it may also be that there will be two plastic models based on the same basic design (as with the Empire War Alter and Wizard Wagon kits). It has been suggested that there may be variant creatures pulling the chariot and if the two get separate kits, then this is likely. Presumably it would be a Daemonic steed of some sort.

- Chosen: Resin (most likely) or plastic (less likely). With the amount of units needing to be redone, it is most likely that this unit will be converted to resin now and then later there will be a new plastic kit that makes Warriors or Chosen.

- Chaos Ogres: Resin (most likely) or plastic (less likely). Similarity to the "normal" Ogres suggest that these will be converted to resin and get a plastic kit at some later date.

- Chaos Trolls: see Chaos Ogres

- Dragon Ogres: Plastic (most likely) or resin (less likely). The Dragon Ogres are very old models and no models exist to cover the additional hand weapon upgrade, thus it is likely that these will get a new plastic kit. The kit will most likely be 3 models and may or may not include new options the unit doesn't currently have (ex: standard bearer, musician, shields, etc.).

- Scyla: Resin (almost certainly)

In summary, these kits are most likely to be made into plastic:
- Chaos Dragon / Galrauch
- Chariot / Warshrine
- Dragon Ogres
It is unlikely but not impossible that there will be updates for existing plastic kits (Warriors or Marauders), but presumably this will happen later and not at the release of the book.

Existing units with no models
With the three latest releases, all units and characters have gotten models released for them when the book came out. With the two first 8th edition books, this is not the case (ex: There is still no Hierotitan model and it took quite a while before the Mangler Squig model was released), so we can't be certain of this.

- Forsaken: Plastic (most likely) or resin (less likely). The unit's rules are miserable and there are no existing models, so it is likely that there will be some improvement in at least one area here.

- Warshrine: (see Chaos Chariot entry above)

- Kholek: Unlikely to get a model at the moment, though when there is eventually a Shaggoth plastic kit, it is likely that this will include optional parts for Kholek.

- Valkia, Vilitch, Festus, Throgg: May or may not get resin models.

Brand new units
There is a trend for new army books to get at least three brand new units added to the list, though these have not lacked models for existing units (WoC lack both Forsaken and Warshrines), so we don't know. Traditionally, it has been very difficult or impossible to guess at exactly what these units will be. For the last four books, Sphinxes and Demigriffon Knights have been expected, while Sepulchral Stalkers, Necropolis Knights, Hierotitans, Coven Thrones, Mortis Engines, Hexwraiths, Crypt Horrors, Vargheists, Celestial Hurricanums and Luminarchs of Hysh have not (until someone got a look at the models).
Thus while we can all guess at Chosen Knights riding Daemonic Mounts, don't be surprised if this doesn't happen.

Distribution of brand new units in 8th by type has been as follows:
Infantry: 0
Cavalry: 1
Warbeasts: 0
Swarms: 0
Monstrous infantry: 2
Monstrous cavalry: 3
Monstrous beasts: 1
Chariots: 5
Monsters: 6
War machines: 0

With the 8th army book releases, very little have been known about the rules until a few weeks before release. If the WoC book follows this trend, there will proably be some time until get anything reliable.
WoC on.

Shut up, couldn't think of a better pun and I'm bored.