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  1. #11


    Hmm, unless the "Random charge lenght" means something along the lines the "leaked 6th" had:

    By random this would mean that:
    - Units that charge 12" cannot do something else (shoot for example)
    - Units that charge 6" can do something else (like shoot first)

    - This would be negated by the assault weapon / Pistol / relentless rules, leaving rapidfire and heavy (and possibly some new weapon type) to be able to only charge 6" after firing.

    Even tho i know "random" usually means x-amount of D6 to determine stuff in 40k TT, that would be the only way i can come up with that wouldn't f*ck up the game totally for assault units..

    Eldar units (and orks with waaagh) for example would have 6+d6+d6 as their charge range, i bet that players would love the challenge to overcome bad rolls to win ..I mean, i like random, but 8"-18" between the range units can assault is alot. Thats 60" worth of random move between luckiest and unluckiest player on an average 6-turn game


    Oh, and about the allies. I wonder what allies and based on what situations / fluff would IG or GK/Inquisitors be able to strike a deal

    GK: Could they be allied to any other force save for the demonically tainted? Or to remain the most purest force - no change to ally at all?
    - GK strike force strikes a deal with tyranid mastermind (or whatever it was called) to strike down the demons at "Sector X", both factions benefit, 'cos the nids agree that chaos tainted stuff tastes bad and gives 'em gasses..

    -Malleus: Forgot what these guys loath
    -Hereticus: Funny team up with chaos tainted traitor guard
    -Xenos: Funny team up with orks
    - Point being, each inquisitorial force hunts for one particular enemytype, and more often than not are willing to coop with the operatives of the enemy other than what they are hunting. This would leave to a situation where each and every inquisitor would have its own set of rules against all possible matchups ..And what if player took two different Inquisitors knocking out the possibility for any allies :P

    IG: Command squads teamed up with (rumoured) bs4 S5 AP5 30" rapidfire Firewarriors on a 4+ save (talking about improved guardsmen platoon). Oh, and you dont feel sentinels provide enough firepower? Well, take a couple of suit squads, that ought to solve the problem..

    The team ups would be really troubling, and even the slightest overlook at some point would leave to absurd combos (6 squads of purifiers backed up by 9 leman russes and 9 Vendettas)

    Last edited by Wildcard; 05-05-2012 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Texas, Dallas area


    The problem with GK's being allies with anyone, is that they tend to backstab who ever they work with... just sayin. There is fluff supporting Eldar and GK's working together, and obvious Inquistors and IG together again makes sense.

  3. #13


    Hmm, you call Exterminatus backstabbin.. I tend to call it a solution..

    just saying

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    I dunno what to think of these rumours.

    The fluff sounds silly. I just can't see SM as a whole deciding Tau need protection. Like, what, even the Black Templar? Yeah right.

    The whole ally thing sounds ludicrous, especially since Tyranids get no one. Why should armies be allowed to mix with other armies (thus shoring up inbuilt weaknesses) except for one of the weakest books in 5th edition right now?

    Also, the rumours for psychic powers in 6th keep getting weirder every time something comes up. No idea what to think on them any more.

    Oh, and if random charge distances enter the game, part of me will want to die. Especially if pre-measuring is introduced. Why should part of the game get less random (when it probably should) only to have a more crippling form of randomness thrown on top? I just...dice inherently add a good deal of randomness to the game. I can't stand the idea of not knowing whether or not a charge could be made, even over flat ground. Difficult terrain is one thing but...every assault being a random distance just sounds sucky. Anyone who's played WFB 8th have input on this?
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    lets look at all the PROPER* allies in the fluff

    gk+ ig, then most of the time the IG are then shot
    GK+sm , with the mariens all being mind wiped, removing all previous combat expertiese
    GK+WH, with the WH either being shot or mind wiped
    GK+eldar, with each side fighting after the battle
    GK+ harlequins, with the harlquins running off at the end

    IG+wh, with the IG being shot often due to taint possibility
    eldar+dark eldar (very occasionally)

    and ehm, thats it....
    i think the only time allies should ever be used is like the old DH/WH with some SM/IG units being included in the army list...

    *not counting ward
    visit my blog: I do cheap commsion work
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  6. #16


    Well teh fluff stuff is also contradictory. 'Xenophobia etc is reaching a tipping point but everyone is trying to protect the Tau and the BA work with Necrons and...'. The reason it sounds silly is it is fanfiction nonsense.

    As I've said, this seems like a 40k fanboy with a vague idea of how WFB works putting things together and coming up with bullsh*t. WFB and 40k have always been radically different rulesets, they aren't going to suddenly make them very similar and they aren't going to turn back the clock and turn 40k into a skirmish game again, which is what 2nd edition was. The whole reason 3rd was so diffeent to 2nd was to make it into a wargame you could play large armies with. Large armies means more sales, and GW are abotu selling models first and rules second as they freely admit.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  7. #17


    This sounds the most unlikely so far. Massive changes to fluff that don't really make sense? I'm especially not liking the random charges, random crap is just plain annoying, please don't let it be true!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Grant - the newest rumour provider- has posted this in comment to these rumour on Faeit 212

    I have to say that I am surprised that this stuff has been leaking so quickly and accurately.

    All that tastey taste has stated is infact true. Along with the blos leak a few days ago that is also true.

    I know all of these rumors sound bloody ridiculous but they may not be bad for the game at all. I have been chatting with the source for my documents, we'll just call him "the commissioner", we both feel that based off of the csm codex that assaults off of consolodation will be back as well as possibly off the bloody deep strike. This is not only backed up by the fact that they are "nerfing" assault range, but also because of 2 special rules.

    Mates say hello to bloody "snap fire" and the return of overwatch.

    Snap fire - allows a unit to shoot at an attacking unit at bs 1 prior to being assaulted.

    Mates, be ready for some proper changes. The game will no longer be what it is now. It is much more in depth. A lot more charts and usr's... The chaos dex is over flowing with them.

    Be ready for changes mates, but have an open mind. GW isn't going to kill their brand.

    Will this new rule set kill the tournament scene? I cannot be sure yet, only time will tell.

    SO it gets worse! I kinda understand the concept of "snap fire" and firing off the charge. But why as BS1? So an Ork has the same chance of hitting as a highly disciplined Marine?

    Assaulting off deepstriking? What? Deamons become horrible, and its just YET ANOTHER boost to GK's! And to DA Deathwing if Ward is writing that

    However hes also reporting;

    Rhino's have 3 hull points, Landraiders and the defiler have 4. Any damage chart result other than wrecked or explodes will take 1 hull point away.

    HQ's can now challenge each other just like in fantasy. This must be accepted by opponent or is played normal. HQ that wins, wins the assault for his unit.

    Chaos units that kill a unit get to roll on a chart for gifts from a chaos lord very similar to the power from pain rule that Phil gave to DE.

    Thousand sons are still relentless and still have ap 3 bolters.
    HQ units can challenge? ANd if they win they win the combat? So I could charge a unit of 30 boyz and a warboss, into a unit with an IC. If I lose all 30 boys for no kills except for their IC i still win? Bull****!

    And landraiders are 1 hull point more durable than a Rhino! Seriously...if this stuff is true...**** you GW. I'm out
    Last edited by DrLove42; 05-05-2012 at 10:54 AM.
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    Well teh fluff stuff is also contradictory. 'Xenophobia etc is reaching a tipping point but everyone is trying to protect the Tau and the BA work with Necrons and...'. The reason it sounds silly is it is fanfiction nonsense.
    See the problem with this is that the Tau are actually respected by the Astartes. In numerous stories and novels since the release of "Firewarrior", various Astartes have given their opinion that the Tau are respected and honorable warriors. In 40K Fluff Marneus Calgar even has a soft spot for the Tau, having fought with and then joining forces when the Necron turn up. He has also reigned in Sicarius when he was driving them out of contested space.
    GW have been wondering what to do with the Tau since their release, and being the Anti Chaos force in the galaxy fits them nicely. Eldrad even predicted that the Tau would eventually even exceed the Eldar's many achievements.
    If you read a lot of the 30K stories, you can see that the Emperor was trying to deal with the Chaos gods, If it was evident that by protecting this Xeno race that would eventually destroy Chaos, then i could see this happening if you look at the wider picture.
    The Imperium is collapsing as we all already know, but if GW want to push onwards, it has to break through the M42 barrier in order to progress the story, the background and the hobby. It has to do this because otherwise the hobby will stagnate, theirs only so many times you can go back in the timeline and this isnt Star Wars after all.

    As to Matt Ward and his Necrons and Blood Angels alliance, it kind of fits.... if you go with his necron fluff.

  10. #20


    Wait, Ultramarines and Tau are buddies now!? What!? This is a huuuuuuuuge change to the fluff! So now the grim dark future is completely xenophobic except to little blue men with death lasers? What!?

    Quote Originally Posted by eldargal View Post
    The no allies thing for Tyranids is also nonsensical in the context of 8th edition changes. 8th edition gives levels of trust between allies, and no army has no allies even those that simply would not ally like Warriors/Daemons of Chaos. GW just doesn't go in for 'every army can do this EXCEPT YOU', for obvious reasons. It simply isn't fair. It is the same reason the Storm of Magic rules allow high elves to summon daemon allies, because it simply wouldn't be fair to exclude them even though it makes little sense fluff-wise.
    Except, who would ally with a species whose entire goal in life is to devour everything, a species that you can never have a treaty with, a species that will never ally with anyone even if it is in it's best interest.

    Tyranids should be screwed because that's the way the fluff was written.

    This is also probably why Necrons' fluff was adjusted, so as to avoid this problem.

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