I've got a 2k tourny coming up soon (3 weeks) and this is what I hope to have painted up. There's about 10 models to finish and I should be done by then. I'm not interested so much in what doesn't work, or what you would replace with what (I don't have the time to switch out models) - what I'm looking for is "what kind of units will effect me most?" , or what will I have a hard time against? At least this way, I can try to avoid certain situations or at least look out for things I'm not aware of in other armies/races.

Here's Red Jack's 2K list. "Heavy Hitter"

HQ: Mega-armoured Warboss w/bosspole
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF

Troops: Boyz Mob - 15 shoota boyz w/Big Shootas (x2)
Troops: Trukk Boyz -10 boyz (room for MAW) Big Shoota, Boarding Plank, RPJ, Reinforced Ram
Troops: Trukk Boyz - 11 boyz + 1x PK Nob w/bosspole - Big Shoota, Boarding Plank, RPJ, Reinforced Ram
Troops: Nobz Mob: 7 Nobs +Painboy+BW - 4 Big Choppas, 3 PKs, Waaagh! Banner, Bosspole. BW: Big Shoota (x3), Kanon, Boarding Plank, 'Ard Case,RPJ, Reinforced Ram
Troops: Deff Dread w/2xCCW, BS, Skorcha

Fast Attack: Da Vulcha Boyz: - 16 Stormboyz + Bozz Zagstruk

Elite: 12 Lootas

Heavy Support: Killer Kans 3x Rokkits
Heavy Support: Looted Wagon - 'Ard Case, Boomgun, Big Shoota (x1), Armor Plates, Grot Riggers, RPJ, Reinforced Ram
Heavy Support: Battlewagon - Big Shoota (x4); Kannon; Armour Plates; Grot Rigger; Red Paint Job

Within a few points of 2000

The Lootas and KFF Big Mek hold up in the open-topped BW as a mobile firebunker, the looted wagon keeping close and both provide fire support. The Mega-Warboss joins a Trukk mob for hell raising duty. The Nobz do what Nobz do, inna Battlewagon. Usually the Dred and Kans lead the Shoota Boyz where they need to go.

Thanks ahead of time for any feedback or ideas on what you think I might have trouble with.
