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  1. #1
    Occuli Imperator
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    Feast of Blades


    Well let me first start off with the fact that I don't play Orks, so Im not going to act like I do.

    That said let me pose some questions...

    Units to fear/ how are you planning to deal with:
    - Eldar Seer council on bikes.
    - Multiple Land Raider lists?
    - Odd tournie missions (Night fight, moving objectives, etc.)

    I might think of plan 'B' for the Nobs and Boss, what are you going to do if their transports are taken out of comission early game?

    Anyhow I hope this helps get the brain gears churrning some, again I wish I knew more about Orks to give specific advice.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    Consider me chastised lol, must have missed that first part. Generally if I'm suggested you change it, it's because such and such units or options aren't the best, so that's a start.

    Without a cybork body, your boss can get smushed all too easily. It wouldn't be hard to shift 10 points around and requires no real change on the model.

    2 Trukks and a BW are not hard to bring down at 2000 points, even with a KFF. As your only mobile assault elements, they can be targetted early and leave you in a heap of trouble.

    15 boyz is awfully small for a slow unit on foot, expect plenty of fire to come their way and cripple them.

    The BW won't last long, open-topped plus narrow model = smashed by shots on side armor. And since it's 1 of 2 and the only 1 closing in, expect it to draw plenty of fire on its flanks. It isn't hard to maneuver around with vehicles, especially skimmers.

    Walking Dread is bleh, he has no threat at range and while he's very smashy up close, you often won't get that chance since he's so slow.

    Kanz are solid, but a squadron of AV11 vehicles isn't hard to pop.

    Lootas are good, but it's some 300 points for just 1 unit. Shooty wagons pump out a lot of shots, but nothing to concern vehicles.

    Zaggy and crew are not really a problem either. They come in randomly and you have to play a lot of models safely to avoid mishaps. There are plenty of methods to defend against Deep Strikers, hiding in transports that moved, blocking units, spread out to force bad landings, or Mystics. They show up, maybe get to assault something, then get shot to hell like a Slugga unit for 1/3 the cost.

    The boomwagon is fun, but it's got poor armor and is unreliable.

    Mech armies will give you lots of problems. You really only have Lootas and Kanz to go up against them, maybe the Boomgun but it's rather inaccurate. Nothing stops AV14 beyond PKs, which require your few vehicles to make it intact. You will have to protect your 3 vehicles at all costs, since your army basically hinges on them surviving. With so few, it will be difficult against good armies. Against a similar battleforcey army you'll crush face, like any other Ork list.

  3. #3
    Occuli Imperator
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    Feast of Blades


    Quote Originally Posted by Chumbalaya View Post

    Mech armies will give you lots of problems. You really only have Lootas and Kanz to go up against them, maybe the Boomgun but it's rather inaccurate. Nothing stops AV14 beyond PKs, which require your few vehicles to make it intact. You will have to protect your 3 vehicles at all costs, since your army basically hinges on them surviving. With so few, it will be difficult against good armies. Against a similar battleforcey army you'll crush face, like any other Ork list.

    This is the same idea that I covered in my post. If Ilined up against you and I had AV 14 I wouldn't be too worried at all. With all the Mech running around I would be careful... Also make sure to note where your opponents Melta spam is at and avoid it (Duh)...cause as Chumbalaya pointed out (and I hinted at) if you get ninja-ed by a melta early game then your done.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Central MN, USA


    Thanks for the feedback, both of ya.

    Sorry if I came across a bit harsh, Chumbalaya. Wasn't meant to be mean - your critiques (the second post ) as to what I might have problems with are good, just what I was looking for - you too, Duke.

    I can most likely spare points for the Cybork Body, and I'll look into what/where I can spare a couple more boyz for the shotoa mob. Although, the idea for these boyz are more for objective sitting/taking than getting dug in fast.

    My playing style might not be taken into account either as I have no qualms about holding back and playing safe, huggin terrain, waiting that extra turn to do something. I can be a pretty cautious Ork player.

    Typically the Boomgun draws the most firepower first, I don't know why. I've had many opponents literaly spend three turns trying to take it out. The KFF is what keeps it alive (most games) and that seesm to let the trukks/nobz BW survive that 1 or 2 extra turns to get where they need to by. It does differ by game though/

    Duke, your mention of the missions as being a louie - yeah, gotta expect that and can't really do much about that. Although the tip about making sure I isolate the Meltas right away (and remove/neutralize) is a good one I hadn't spent much time thinking about.

    As for Zaggy - he is kinda there as a test bed unit. I did have Snikrot and Kommandos in there at first and he's my only real "gambler" unit (unless you count the boomwagon) so I wanted to see how he'd do in a tournament setting and what my opponents reaction is.

    Not sure if you've seen my battlewagons, they're both pretty big (one custom, the other, modified GW) so the enemy is going to have to work to get side shots {not intentional, just how they're built) - although the amount of terrain is always in question, it's a variable I don't know, never played at this location before.

    Someone on another forum posited splitting the lootas into two squads and tossing the shootas inside the BW. This would also make a decent "Plan B" should one or both PK wielding vehicles get popped early.

    I'll be doing some test playing next week and put your ideas to play and see how they work out.


    Thanks for the feedback!
    Last edited by sukigod; 09-30-2009 at 05:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cannock, United Kingdom


    Ok, firstly the Warboss, I agree on cybork body. Everything else Boss wise is fine, but if you've got points combi skorchas are nice and you don't need to work about the crappy ballistic skill.

    Big Mek is fine, only thing I would add definately is a boss pole in case those Lootas run once the wagon gets popped. A power klaw could come in handy in case they get assaulted, but I don't think its a must.

    15 Boyz on foot is small. I would up it to 20. Also if I remember correctly its 2 special weapons per 10, so you cannot have 2 big shootas unless you take 20 Boyz.

    Trukk Boyz are all fine. I wouldn't be inclined to use reinforced ram, the Trukks will get taken out easily and you don't want to invest too much points into them. Boarding planks come in handy with those power klaws and keep your units wrapped up in metal still, good choice

    I would add another Deff Dread, drop the Looted Wagon as they cannot always be controlled due to that silly special rule.

    Kans are ok, not sure on rokkits as they haven't got the best ballistic skill. I'm sure a big shoota for anti infantry would be better, or perhaps a grotzoka. Something to consider, the Kans are in a squadron and armour 11, squadrons make vehicles weaker.

    I'm not keen on Storm Boyz. I don't think moving 12" with 6+ armour save is very good. And if they deep strike they are sitting in the open ready to be shot. Some bikers would be better, but I get the impression your taking them for the special character?

    I would be inclined to take 2 loota units in 2 battlewagons.

    If the battlewagon is a fire bunker for the lootas I don't see much point in a red paint job because if it moves then the lootas cannot shoot, if it moves more than 6" the kannon cannot shoot. You haven't got the need to get the lootas anywhere fast, so I don't think its needed. - warhammer 40,000 tactica and hobby blog

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Central MN, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by mercer View Post
    Ok, firstly the Warboss, I agree on cybork body. Everything else Boss wise is fine, but if you've got points combi skorchas are nice and you don't need to work about the crappy ballistic skill.

    Big Mek is fine, only thing I would add definately is a boss pole in case those Lootas run once the wagon gets popped. A power klaw could come in handy in case they get assaulted, but I don't think its a must.

    15 Boyz on foot is small. I would up it to 20. Also if I remember correctly its 2 special weapons per 10, so you cannot have 2 big shootas unless you take 20 Boyz.

    Trukk Boyz are all fine. I wouldn't be inclined to use reinforced ram, the Trukks will get taken out easily and you don't want to invest too much points into them. Boarding planks come in handy with those power klaws and keep your units wrapped up in metal still, good choice

    I would add another Deff Dread, drop the Looted Wagon as they cannot always be controlled due to that silly special rule.

    Kans are ok, not sure on rokkits as they haven't got the best ballistic skill. I'm sure a big shoota for anti infantry would be better, or perhaps a grotzoka. Something to consider, the Kans are in a squadron and armour 11, squadrons make vehicles weaker.

    I'm not keen on Storm Boyz. I don't think moving 12" with 6+ armour save is very good. And if they deep strike they are sitting in the open ready to be shot. Some bikers would be better, but I get the impression your taking them for the special character?

    I would be inclined to take 2 loota units in 2 battlewagons.

    If the battlewagon is a fire bunker for the lootas I don't see much point in a red paint job because if it moves then the lootas cannot shoot, if it moves more than 6" the kannon cannot shoot. You haven't got the need to get the lootas anywhere fast, so I don't think its needed.
    Thanks mercer. Dropping the RPJ on the Lootas BW is a smart move, not sure why I stayed with that. This will bick up the points for the Cybork Warboss. The Stormboyz were choosen for Zagstruk, yeah - for fun. The only reason I'm staying with the rokkits on the kans is that's how they're modeled.

    I see your point on the ram for the trukks but I've been burned a number of times in the past trying to get past some difficult terrain, only to be left with slogging mega-armor. Hard habbit to break there. I can live with those points.

    I think I'll lose two of the lootas to bolster the shoota squad up to 20. I'll also take a look in test play next week about the dred/looted wagon swap. I do kinda like the fire magnet that it seems to be and I can usually live with that. I'll test it out and see.

    Thanks again everyone!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Cannock, United Kingdom


    I cannot comment on Zagstruk, but I don't really rate special characters. See how it goes and report back in yeah? Only thing I will say and have said is 6+ armour save for them Storm Boyz in the open is now good, and you need majority of the unit in cover to be granted it. Big unit needs big terrain. You planning on deep striking in? Then they will more than likely get shot become a high prority target.

    Do proxy, I'm sure people won't mind if you say look this rokkit is xxx. I do it often and people I play with are cool with it. Give it aago.

    I don't think it matters. If I know you've got mega armour in there I will pop the trukk, and lets face it thats not hard.

    You need as many lootas as possible. Try not to take from them. Perhaps drop a nob, which btw would function better with cyborg body.

    Don't buy things just for a fire magnet - waste of points, you can use them constructively else where.

    TBH, for a Ork 2k list I don't think you have a lot really. I'll show you mine if you like? And no worries about the help Drop my blog sometime yeah.. - warhammer 40,000 tactica and hobby blog

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