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Thread: Flyer Rules?

  1. #1

    Default Flyer Rules?

    Answered my own question. The rules for the flyers will be in White Dwarf June edition - with some stats on advance order page under each kit.
    Last edited by DadExtraordinaire; 05-26-2012 at 01:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Fort Bragg, NC


    Okay. But has anyone taken a look at them yet? With the Storm Talon able to escort reserve unit, this would be a great unit to reserve with Shrike and a 5 or 10 man squad this unit could infiltrate right in the first turn. Furthermore take Sicarius and then another tactical squad can infiltrate with a dreadnought with a multimelta coming in with a drop pod. This should keep the other player busy while the rest of the army makes its way across the board to either hold objectives or engage then enemy.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhound2delta View Post
    Okay. But has anyone taken a look at them yet? With the Storm Talon able to escort reserve unit, this would be a great unit to reserve with Shrike and a 5 or 10 man squad this unit could infiltrate right in the first turn.
    I haven't read it yet myself, but everything I've heard is that the Storm Talon can escort a Deep Striking unit, not just anything coming from reserves. Also, Infiltrating units are never in reserve, they just don't deploy until right before the game starts.

  4. #4


    Actually they can escort anything in reserve EXCEPT Deep Striking units and other stormtalons. Limit of one stormtalon escort per unit too.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Fort Bragg, NC


    The Stormtalon can't escort units that are going to deep strike. Furthermore assuming you're right about the infiltration, then you could just apply the outflank rule to shrike and his thunder hammer termies. Outflank is still a pretty good prospect to get your models right in the enemy, especially when they aren't expecting it or forget that unit was going to outflank.
    Last edited by Foxhound2delta; 05-26-2012 at 08:57 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    Considering that the Stormtalon can move 12" and fire all weapons (giving its Assault Cannon 36" range), or move flat-out 36", I'm having trouble seeing the value of its escort rule in light of the fact it can't escort deep striking units...

    I mean I guess it ensures it comes in from reserve at the same time as something else. But it has to stay close to them and there's a better chance of at least 1 of your reserved units coming in when you want it when they are rolled for separately...I dunno.

    Regardless I still want a Stormtalon or 3.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

  7. #7


    I mean I guess it ensures it comes in from reserve at the same time as something else. But it has to stay close to them and there's a better chance of at least 1 of your reserved units coming in when you want it when they are rolled for separately...I dunno.
    because your playing a full reserv khan list and rolling fewer times makes the force arrive in bigger chunks and your bikers get another support unit on top of their attack bike . just for it to be one example .

    or you dont play a full reserv army but still take khan and only outflank 2 LR with termis and HQs , escort gives more targets a more chance to open transports , which means a better chance for a multi charge against the troops inside.

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