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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Not sure what to think of this, am sure will come to android eventually. A lot of companies produce content for iPad or android first, and then roll it out to other platforms later. The thing that gets me is that if you already own the codex you have to pay £25 for the digital version.

    I don't play, but paint the miniatures and read the fluff like it's going out of fashion. I have all the current codices and a number of the older now defunct ones, you should be able to take your copy into the store and request a voucher that gives you the right to buy for 2.99 or something. They look great, just not sure at all that the price is worth the 'extra content'. Handy for FAQ and new unit updates, am assuming they could be updated like an app update?

    I only generally buy paper books, and I still buy CD's. I wouldn't buy the mp3 version if I already have the album...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Madrid, Spain


    Very good news...

    Finally, GW enters the age of technology...

    The lack is that not everyone has an iPad (and they´re not cheap), but seem the prices won´t be very expensive
    Lord Macragge and wielder of the Ultramar´s Gauntlets

  3. #33


    If you don't have an iPad, they still make the physical books. It's a cool concept and apple actively support developers with the tools to easily make books like this as well has owning the vast majority of the tablet market, it's a perfectly reasonable business decision, if it works well enough they could make them as android apps

  4. #34


    GW's site states the Apple deal is 'exclusive'.

    Considering Apples recent collusion with book publishers and their cell phone distribution schemes it is easy to conclude we won't be seeing non pirated copies on other formats anytime soon.

  5. #35


    It is exclusive, but it doesn't mean it will always remain so.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  6. #36


    I did just read on GW Facebook page, GW stating, "Android users, please be patient, we hear and respect your comments".

    So hopefully, "exclusive", isn't contractual, but rather just lazy and unaware.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hampshire, UK


    I notice that you need iBooks2 which is the interactive version of iBooks. Is similar software available on other platforms? Could this be something which GW is waiting for on other platforms if not currently available now?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I applaud this, but I do not understand why GW went all Apple iOS exclusive.

    The best way would be to do a PDF version that would be usable on all platforms, granted it could take more effort and cost some more at least that would open up a larger market.

    The only real reason would be to have more protection for the digital copy, as Apple has a tighter security on how you can spread the digital copies around. This is also one thing that is annoying with the “iProducts”.

    And as for iOS vs. Android; Apple have a great product but there are things lacking like Flash and other things that I want/need in my life. So I would not buy an iPad, as it doesn't cater to all my needs and I find the lack of freedom in how I arrange my music and digital media on my computers frustrating.

    Well as someone put it: As it is not available for my hardware, at least I will save 25£…

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    I agree a more generic pdf would have made more sense. If its for piracy concerns, its not like there arent pdfs of all the codexes out there already anyway.

    Maybe its for some interactiveness we havent seen yet. How hard would it be to have an app that built army lists and linked to a version of the dex on the pad? click units to add them, select wargear, have an army list that you can click on and it fast jumps to the stats and rules?
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Melbourne, Australia


    Guess I'll have to stick with my current plan of PDF's on a Windows 8 tablet.

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