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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default 2K Angels of Death with cool story, not power list

    This isn't meant to be a top list but rather fun with (maybe) a good story. BA and DA have always been my 2 main armies so I'm combining them with a little story. They're not renegades but they have declared war on the Grey Knights:

    Per the GK codex, Dante allied with the Knights and allowed them to "brain-erase" the Blood Angels after the campaign to keep the GK secret; this is where my story begins....

    Dante only did it to gain knowledge of this secret chapter which he believed was actually moving against the Emperor. His experience fighting along side of them firmed this belief.

    Sometime later, Dante encounters and captures a Fallen Dark Angel. Azrael cuts a deal with Dante and tells him the complete history of the DA's during the Heresy in exchange for the prisoner. Rather than doubting the DAs, Dante is inspired by their desire to fight for the remainder of their chapter's honor; it reminds him of his own BA's struggle against the Red Thirst.

    During the high-level exchange of the prisoner; Asmodai lets it be known that he has knowledge of the Red Thirst problem due to his long-time study of the Fallen and all things related to the Heresy and how Marines fall to Chaos. He believes he and the DA's other Interrogator-Chaplains may be of assistance.

    Dante decides to inform Azrael of his experience with the Grey Knights and it is decided that the Grey Knights do not have the Emperor's true vision at the heart of their mission. The combined Angels make it a long-term goal to hunt the Grey Knights and hold them accountable for their secretive actions...

    Anyway, here's the list:


    5x Sanguinary Guard, 1x PF, Banner, 5x Perdition Pistols

    6x Death Company with Jump Packs and Lemartes

    10x Assault Marines, 1x PF, 2x Meltaguns

    6x Vanguard Vets, 1x PF, 5x PWs

    DA Allies:
    Belial w/ Lightning Claws

    5x Deathwing, Apothecary, Banner, 1x THSS, 1x Heavy Flamer, 1x Claws

    5x Deathwing, 2x THSS, 1x Cyclone Missile, 1x Claws

    I spend way too much on upgrades but I always give my Vets, Elites etc good stuff because I like sending my best men out with the best gear. I'm Fluff over competitiveness. I'm really excited about Allies; can't wait to finally buy some Kroot to add to my IG; Krootachans will be cool as hell!

    Your comments are appreciated and I'd love to hear your cool ideas for Allies; not just "power-lists" ideas!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Woooah! So your marines....hunt....the inquisition ? 0.o Doesnt declariong war on the inquisition heresy and actually makes you a renegade? Thats just me though, who knows maybe its not heresy/traitorish.

    As for the list, seems ok but you are seriously lacking models, being 39 strong at 2k. I would try and use IG as an ally, just for numbers so when it comes to objectives etc. you can actually spare units without buggering yourself up too much in fights.

    my two pence

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I like the suggestion about more models but considering the theme; IG wouldn't be included in the GK hunt.

    My army wouldn't consider themselves the "renegades" because they believe the GK are; it's a civil-war type deal where both sides think they're the true 'patriots'.

    Also, it would really be a secret war because as far as everyone in the Imperium is concerned, the Grey Knights don't exist. It's a catch-22 for the Knights, they will kill and destroy anything to keep their existence secret so they cannot come out and call the Angels heretics...

    Haha, the point is that I'm just trying to create an interesting narrative for Allies and I'm playing off of some of the absurdity in the GK fluff.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Ok i can dig that but IG can be brought in, let me give u an example. a regiment (that was returnign home from a long campain in Armageddon (first thing that came to my head :P )) thats home planet was purged by a mysterious imperial force due to traces of chaos' taint. families, friends and loved ones, gone. they started to question the meaning of the imperium and was approached by dante, who explained that the GK were responisble for their planets destruction. He then continued to explain his goals, the IG saw his path as the right one and vowed vengance upon the Gk.

    but I see your point and fair enough.

    I would just like to say you could use any force truth be had, you just need a good story

    good luck and i think this should have been in the army list section by the way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Nosferatu, I like your idea; I was just using DA & BA because I already have the full forces painted. Still working on my Catachans.

    Also, I debated where to put this thread. I'm talking about Allies, Fluff and List Building; I figured I'd put it here because the Allies thing is new. It's not really totally about Fluff or List Building; I just wanted to share what I was doing with the new rules and wanted to see how other people were making use of it from a gaming/fluff/list standpoint.

    You're right about any combo of armies could declare war on the GK but I thought it would be interesting if 2 Marine chapters teamed up to do it secretly. It's really more of a play on the GK fluff that they'll do anything just to keep themselves secret. Per their codex, they let some people live with the knowledge; specifically Dante. I'm just imagining that Dante said "F*** these guys, I'm not letting them brain-wash my Marines and get away with it".

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