So, I've been searching GW's web site and you know what I can't find?

A miniature painted to have black skin. And I'm not talking "jet black with red devil eyes" Salamander black, or a one-off special character. I'm talking real-world, people-of-African-descent black skin (excepting, of course, Tallarn. Who still look suspiciously melanin-free) on just some random guy in the background. I mean, yeah, Marines have helmets and all, but seriously, all those Apocalypse photos with eleventy billion Imperial Guardsmen grimacing as they prepare to die, and not one black face?

Why on Earth is this the case? We can all paint our models any way we wish - I like to have a mix of different ethnicities in my armies (unless they're Mechanics, in which case everyone just looks poorly and grey) - but GW just likes caucasian males. I've seen many people on coolminiornot paint 40K models with tones that aren't caucasian (and when I say "many", I of course mean "very, very few").

Just because it's part of this trope: [url][/url]
does that make it remotely acceptable?

Now, I'm not going to accuse 40K of racism, because well, that's not the issue - plus I'll be told "you can paint your models any way you wich", which I do, and which I've already said I've done. I suppose what I'm just wondering is why, given the fact it's 2012, why GW still doesn't paint up its example models as anything but caucasian (because let's be fair, those example models are well, the examples, so they're really damned important).

And saying "the vast majority of players are white", well... *sucks through teeth* that's just a crass and ignorant thing to say. It doesn't even have the reflective thought to ask "Well, is that cause or effect? Maybe more people from different ethnic groups would play if there were more official models representative of them?

I just wonder how many young players thought "this looks cool", then got turned off because it "didn't look like it was for them" if you know what I mean.

Just to say again, I am enquiring regarding GW's company policy, nothing else.