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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, England

    Default Chaos Marine Rumor Roundup (BoK and others)

    Use this thread as the Latest CSM RUMOR ROUNDUP

    New rumours on Chaos from BoK

    Not sure I like the sounds of things for Chaos dreads.
    Also Lucius now sounds like a absolute beast, as do some of the chaos special weapons. Looking forward to seeing the real thing now.
    And we've finally got our first Mastery Level 4

    Blood of Kittens 8-11-2012

    Remember I might just repeat other rumors floating around and debunk others.
    –Special Characters–
    Ahriman: Mastery Level 4, Same Stats as before, Access to Biomancy, Pryomancy, Telepathy, and Tzeentch. He is the master of witch ire spells, he can cast three spells that are witchfire in the same phase. He can also give up to three units infiltrate ability.
    Huron: Same Stats as before, Mastery Level 1, Spells are randomly determined at the start of each turn.
    Typhus: Same Stats as before, Mastery Level 2 can only take Nurgle powers, Destroyer Hive has been changed to be a Nurgle Holocaust Str4 AP2 ignores cover. Has Fear
    Kharn: Same Stats as before, Him and his Unit get 2+ to deny witch and is completely immune to force weapons. Still attacks random people, but now a sneaky way around it. Always hits on 2+ in Assualt. Best part is he has Hatred that he can give to the rest of his unit.
    Fabius Bile: Same Stats as before. Enhanced Warriors can only ever kill one model gives them Str and Fearless.
    Lucius: Same Stats as before. His attacks are the same number as your opponent WS (Avatar vs Lucius fun times). Re-rolls all Wounds, Armor saves made by Lucius inflict str 4 ap2 hits back.
    Dragon: 170pts AV 12/12/10 Can Vector Strike as a MC, Has Str 8 Heavy 4 guns
    Shooty Demon Engine: 120pts AV 12/12/10 Two Str 8 Heavy 4 guns
    Assault Demon Engine: 135pts AV 12/12/10, Immune to Cover, 12″ Move, Two Str 8 AP1 Melta Weapons, plus PowerFists
    Hellbrute New CSM Dreadnaught: 105pts Crazed, BIG CHANGE no more DCW now just power fist will strike at I1
    Chaos Land Raider: 220pts Only Godhammer variant, only holds 10 guys, still can get dozerblades
    Upgrades: Mini Deff Roller Str 5 Ap – hits and double for failed death and glory, Chaos Lash whips but reduce attacks to 1
    –Unique Items–
    Demon Weapons: All Demon Weapons on a roll of 1 will attack user, but no longer will you lose the rest of your attacks.
    Unique Chaos Power Axe: +2 str Ap2, Blinds Opponents, Gives Rage, Demon Weapon.
    Unique Chaos Power Maul: AP4, Fleshbane, Demon Weapon, Any unsaved wounds causes instant death after toughness test is failed, in addition at the end of the assault phase any model with in 3″ must make another toughness test or take an AP1 wound.
    Unique Chaos Power Sword: Ap3 Marked for Death, select any character get str x2 AP1 instant death when engaged with that character
    Unique Chaos Flamer: Str 5 Ap3 Torrent, Soulblaze
    Unique Icon: Once you kill a model the Icon unlocks and any model enemy model within 12″ must take Difficult and Dangerous Terrain tests and all friendly deep strikers don’t scatter.
    Unique Spell Book: Gain Random powers every turn can possible hurt you as well
    Attack Familiar: Two additional familiar attacks
    Magic Familiar: Grants Random Spells
    Chaos Iron Halo: 4+ invul can stack with MoT so that means 3+ invul
    Flails: AP 2 Str 8 reduce WS of targets
    Chosen: 19pts each, Infiltrate gone
    Terminators: 31pts each, Upgrades got very cheap FULLY kitted 10 man unit is about 400 pts with more versatility than another other Terminator unit in the game. Still has Combi-Spam.
    Zerkers: 19pts each, Chainaxe Str 4 Ap 4
    1k Sons: 23pts each, Champion Mastery Level 1
    Plague Marines: 24pts each, Same as before now have Poison Assault Weapon
    Noise Marines: 16pts each, Must still buy Sonic Weapons. Sonic Blaster 24″ inch Str 4 Ap5 Salvo, Ignores Cover, Blastmaster 25 pts assault 2 or heavy 1 blast same as before now with ignores cover, Doom Siren Same as before.
    Assault Oblits: Elite Slot Weapons act like Ymgarl Genestealers powers
    Possessed: Random Chart is now D3 acts like Ymgarl Genestealers powers, but determine at the beginning of the turn.
    Havocs: 13pts each, 5-15pt drop for all special weapons from past edition, can buy Flak missiles
    –Psychic Powers–
    Tzeentch: 4 powers only. Prime Power Random Str blast that keeps on exploding random hits for every dead model, 1-2 Roll on Big Chart re-roll spawn result, 3-4 Bolt of Tzeentch but how is a Beam, 5-6 Breath of Chaos
    Ok that is all I got guys every last drop of rumor juice is gone! Enjoy, oh wait what is this at the bottom of my cup…
    Prepare to be Despoiled
    Abaddon is still one bad ***. His stats and cost remain the same. He will always be your Warlord. Drach’nyen: Demon Weapon, Specialist Weapon, +1 str ap2. Talon of Horus: x2 str, re-roll wounds, BA get hatred to Abaddon, Any friendly unit within 12″ of Abaddon gets Preferred Enemy. The biggest thing about Abaddon though is he makes CHOSEN TROOPS

    Latest from Faeit 212 8/13/2012

    Chaos Codex Shipdate - September 8th
    All new Chaos Minis will release by end of September

    Faeit 212 8-18-2012

    Hellbrute Rules
    I just want to clarify that while it is listed as having a Power Fist and not a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, because it is a Walker it does not suffer from the Unwieldy special rule, that's why it's simplified in the codex entry.

    120 points

    It's 12/12/10
    Str 6, ws 4, bs4, i4

    Multi-Melta / Power Fist (with inbuilt combi-bolter)

    can swap the Multi-Melta for a butcher-cannon, or twin reaper auto cannons (which is pretty cool, since that's an entire riflemen in one arm, but with less range), twin-linked lascannon or a twin-linked heavy flamer.
    can swap combi-bolter for a meltagun or heavy flamer

    Has rampage

    Mark of Khorne: Rage USR
    Mark of Nurgle: 5+ restore a hull point OR repair immobilized / weapon destroyed at the start of a turn. Does not let it get back up after having been killed unlike Unholy Vigor.
    Mark of Slaanesh: Sonic scream, gives it offensive/defensive grenades
    Mark of Tzeench: flame weapons (if it has any) are +1 strength and -1 AP (heavy flamers are AP3... whaaaat)
    9/5/2012 Via Faeit 212

    Latest CSM Cultist rules
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CSM-Cultist-Entry.jpg 
Views:	220 
Size:	95.2 KB 
ID:	2687

    9/10/2012 via Faeit 212
    September 23rd for Games Day UK the CSM codex will be there......
    September 29th pre-orders are up.
    October 6th is the release date.
    October 20th, all new units in the codex are released.

    Dark Apostles

    It's correct in how they are purchased and that they confer abilities to the unit they're in.

    They universally confer fearless(because they are fearless) and furious charge. Beyond those two, the abilities that they add to the unit are not as good as the ones you have posted, and in some cases not even remotely similar.

    Dark Apostles's are more along the lines of watered down cult troops, but if added to a cult unit they still "bolster" the cult units effects.

    i.e. Dark Apostle in a Plague Marine unit get FnP 4+ instead of 5+, or confers a 5+ to a unit of marines or cultists.

    Let me be frank though and clarify that there is no unit that gets rampage that is not limited to 3 models. It's reserved for independent characters, walkers, monstrous creatures and some multi-wound, small number units.

    Your unit of 8 khorne berserkers doesn't potentially double in effectiveness by taking less of them.

    Daemon Princes
    The daemon prince stuff is accurate
    Daemon Princes are exalted CSM's, not Daemon's (though they have the Daemon rules), so they are not the same as from the Daemon codex. They have clear heritage as space marines.
    the chaos space marine daemon prince being increased by 40pts! & having the lash ability taken away for good
    the daemon prince will have to pay the same points for wings as a daemons prince from the chaos daemons codex so it is is more balanced.
    Last edited by Bigred; 09-10-2012 at 10:16 PM. Reason: Added latest info.
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    All sounds interesting enough. I don't play Chaos but I am quite excited to see how the first new codex of the edition works.
    Chief Educator of the Horsemen of Derailment "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." SOREN KIERKEGAARD

  3. #3


    All seems quite restrained for a rumour.

    Still not terribly convinced the Hellbrute replaces Dreads though. As ever I shall wait and see!
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    West Yorkshire, UK


    the dreadnought sounds like bull, why would chaos ones be worse then loyalist ones? makes no sense.
    Step forth and be recognized.
    No mercy. No pity. No hope.

  5. #5


    I am having a hard time figuring out how the hell the GK are supposed to

    a) Survive all that ap2 / ap3
    b) Manage a fair fight against those chaos dudes
    c) HQ options pitched against each other..
    d) That many str8 ap2 weapons available will render paladins to a point of uselessness (not that i've personally ever used them that much)

    Not that it isn't great that Chaos Space Marines are getting a new codex, quite the contrary.

    Great to see new rules, and first 6th ed design codex wise come to life!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Complaining about yoir grey knights finding it hard isnt going to garner a lot of sympathy
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  7. #7


    Dr Love, I aint living in a 5th ed, and, if you would have seen me play ever, you couln't point a single time i had psyfleman or more than 3-4 psycannons in a 2000+ pts game.

    Nor was i looking for any sympathy, just fyi..

  8. #8


    This coulda gone in my Chaos thread, jus' sayin'.
    Red like roses, fills my dreams and brings me to the place where you rest...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Newcastle, UK


    ahriman...... i dont know what to say. master of the corvidae and no divination tree he was not skilled as a pavoni, no a pyrae and certainly not an athenean.

    hmm either BS or GW dropped the ball big time
    Last edited by Cpt Codpiece; 08-12-2012 at 08:20 AM. Reason: got cults mixed up

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ontario, Canada


    The potential widespread S8 Heavy 4 weapons that these rumours suggest (Butcher Cannons, I'm assuming?) has me both excited and worried about Chaos.

    I mean, a walker with two S8 Heavy 4 cannons at 120 points?
    And a flyer with 1-2 of those at 170? Plus Vector Strike?

    Sounds awesome to use, but it doesn't sound like it will be terribly fun to play against...

    Ah well. As always these things are hard to gauge at this point.
    Armies Played (in order of acquisition)
    Crons, SW, SM, Tau, 1k Sons, IG, Nids, BA, DE

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