I would like to introduce to you, my store - [url]www.greendragongames.co.uk[/url] We are both online and based in East Devon, with regular gaming days and we often attend gaming shows and cons up and down the country.

We sell Games Workshop, Flames of War, Artwork, Comic Books and Novels. We can, of course, get anything from the GW and FoW range - however it isn't ALL listed on our site just yet (as it takes roughly half an hour per product and we've been busy with our physical presence so far but are working on getting the rest online!). We sell at 10% off for FoW and 10-20% for Games Workshop, with odd discounts here there and everywhere.

We have a monthly newsletter packed with a discount code, battle reports and features on new releases and we have a clear dispatch code system, which tells you how many days it will take before it is passed over to the courier and on it's way to you. For example, Green is 1-4 days (in stock) which means at peak periods (Christmas and New Releases) it'll take 4 days but otherwise 1 or 2, and our couriers are pretty reliable too .

Go ahead and take a look around, at time of posting we have a big focus on Dark Vengeance and Open Fire box sets and are happy to communicate personally to every single query we recieve.

Happy Gaming!
- Green Dragon Games.