WhereWIthhere I live now they play 1850, so I have 35 points left. I am making an army from Krakendoom's great company, so they are all mounted to go a viking. Move fast and get in there with 60 marines, 2 groups 2 rhinos with an assault squad. The preds taking on other tanks and the whirlwind softening up troops.

190 wolf lord, storm shield, frost blade, saga of the warrior born

245 10 grey hunters, powerfist 2x plasma guns plasma pistol rhino
220 10 grey hunters melta flamer powerfist rhino
220 10 grey hunters melta flamer powerfist rhino
205 9 grey hunters melta powerfist rhino

fast attack
205 10 skyclaws powerfist
205 10 skyclaws powerfist

heavy support
120 predator autocannon las sponsons
120 predator autocannon las sponsons
85 whirlwind