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  1. #91


    They seem to be under the impression that we all will fix it anyway. As the Dark Angels FAQ puts it, if somebody asks whether they can use the most recent version of a piece of wargear, you should say yes, and you're a terrible person if you say no (my paraphrase).

    Now if only they were right ...

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Toronto, Canada


    Exactly! I’ve never had a problem with someone using the Storm Shield and apothecary from C:SM in their DA army. I even let my opponent use them in a tournament after they game had already began. See, I’m that nice a guy!

    If people would just treat the game as a game and not as some sort of contest of superiority as I see some people conduct themselves (we all know who they are in our LGS) then we’d all complain less about how our codex hasn’t been updated in a decade or how they nerfed my favorite unit or how codex creep has ruined the hobby forever.

    Back on topic, I was looking at the WD BA list last night and was impressed by all the options the Honour Guard and Veteran Assault marines get. I’m thinking the best way to bring up the “space wolf” standard would be to bring back the veteran abilities. After all, BA are the longest lived of the marines so there is some logic in having “Veterans of a thousand campaigns” rules. I still think flying berserkers is a scary prospect though. But things like Tank Hunters, Skilled Riders(Jumpers?) would make sense for these guys who are potentially quite a bit older than their counterparts in other chapters.

    "They created a desolation and they called it peace!" -- Tacitus

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Essex, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Dosadi View Post
    Exactly! I’ve never had a problem with someone using the Storm Shield and apothecary from C:SM in their DA army. I even let my opponent use them in a tournament after they game had already began. See, I’m that nice a guy!

    A rare example of a gentleman. Next time I play a DA player (becomming rarer these days) I will take the same approach. We are all fellow gamers and we all know what the problems are. Fortunatley, we have the power to resolve them, quickly, simply and easily.

  4. #94
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    @Dosadi: I would love to see the veteran ablilties come back... VAS with 2 melta guns, a combi melta and tank hunters deep striking FTW, lol.

    Also, I think I said this before but I would like to see the 12" bubble of Dante go away and simply make him give the whole army pref. enemy (obivously he would be more expensive.)


  5. #95

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Duke View Post
    @Dosadi: I would love to see the veteran ablilties come back... VAS with 2 melta guns, a combi melta and tank hunters deep striking FTW, lol.

    Also, I think I said this before but I would like to see the 12" bubble of Dante go away and simply make him give the whole army pref. enemy (obivously he would be more expensive.)

    And they can shoot lightning out his fingers like the Emperor, and fly like superman, and have claws like wolverine....

    Just kidding with you...:O

  6. #96
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009
    Feast of Blades


    Quote Originally Posted by Stickmonkey View Post
    And they can shoot lightning out his fingers like the Emperor, and fly like superman, and have claws like wolverine....

    Just kidding with you...:O
    lol, this can be done... Simply give him lightning claws.


  7. #97
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Central Mississippi


    I meant to mention this in one of my previous posts but I for one would *love* to see sanguiniary high priests make a return as a viable HQ option, rather than an honor guard/command squad upgrade as in other marine chapters.

    That was one of a very few things that dissapointed me about the most recent .pdf codex that came out. I know not everyone ran one, but I have a very nice plastic SHP with a jump pack conversion I'd like to use again some day as more than an Honor Guard upgrade.

    Just a blissful wish on my part.

    As for Dante and his 12" bubble, I forsee Dante getting a complete overhaul on rules, so I won't speculate on that but I do hope he's given Eternal Warrior, as he above all other chapter masters deserves it! (In my ever-so-humble opinon) I expect he's given the same treatment as Logan Grimnar to be perfectly honest. His equipment will remain the same I imagine.

    Artificer armor
    Iron Halo
    Death Mask of Sanguinius (Would love to see this make an enemy re-roll any successful morale checks when in close assault with Dante. I think that would be pretty balanced, but represent the Death Mask well.)
    Perdition Pistol (So long as this keeps the profile of a standard melta-gun, I'm happy)
    Jump Pack
    Frag & Krak Grenades
    Master Crafted Power Weapon, the axe of Mortalis(?)... (I would like to see this get *something* nifty about it, even something basic like +1 strength. I'll take it as a standard power weapon though.)

    Just my thoughts on that.

    Take care,


  8. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    "The Pines", Victoria


    Though i have been collecting Sisters of Battle since GW first brought to our stores so many moons ago, the first SM codex i bought was the Angels of Death.
    Im fond of the history and rules and colourful uniqueness of both the DA and BA. I think like many others that the DA got a bum rap by GW over there codex and then bringing a better (some would say) SM codex out with new toys, units and rules.
    BA make it challanging and i have to say i think they are a much more enjoyable army in the SM range than some like Black Templars, Ultramarines and even Space Puppies.

    But i think as we all know GW is a business first and formost so they go with what makes money and that is sad to say is SM armies. I agree with Melissia in that i think we are getting a little tired of "oh look another SM army for all the youngens to buy".
    Well TalonZahn, if you dont like critisism dont read someone's post tht simple.
    I play Sisters of Battle and were i am i have the largest army of that type here, rivalling well past most SM armies, i love the fluff, miniatures, history and the challange to play them against 5th ed armies and still win.
    GW needs to catch up all the older codexs. And guess what sells for GW???
    Any new army with sparkling new miniatures not just SM.
    New players want the new army, simple, i bet that if GW released SoB so many more players would buy them all over the world. And yes they would be a rival buy for other armies when and if they get rightly updated to match.
    BTW this is my forst time her so " hi Mate" from Australia from me

  9. #99


    Sheila's of Battle....... Great
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Duke View Post
    @Dosadi: I would love to see the veteran ablilties come back... VAS with 2 melta guns, a combi melta and tank hunters deep striking FTW, lol.

    Also, I think I said this before but I would like to see the 12" bubble of Dante go away and simply make him give the whole army pref. enemy (obivously he would be more expensive.)

    I'm very happy with how Dante works at the moment but I would like our non SC's get a bit of a bump so that I don't feel compelled to take Dante and Corbs in every competative BA list.

    Our Librarians need jump packs and some fun fighty killy CC powers.

    Drop pod assault and SM priced pods would be boss
    Last edited by RocketRollRebel; 10-17-2009 at 10:47 AM.

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