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  1. #1

    Default start of a concept "Counts as Genestealer Cult"

    Had this idea, not 100% sure it's a good one but figured I'd do a quick bounce off of people here. I think it has good flavor but may not be a good winning force:

    format : rules used ----> representing

    Primary detachment is Chaos Space Marine.

    Typhus ------> Genestealer Patriarch

    Cultists-Zombies ------> Purestrain Genestealers
    Cultists -----------> um...cultists

    Havocs ---------> Hybrids with heavies/specials

    Allies could be summoned Deamons (old cults could do that if they were joint Genestealer/Chaos) or Guard with a Primaris being a Magus and the Guard being brood brothers.

    Thoughts? Other units to represent? Too soon for counts-as armies?
    I'm thinking it'd probably turn out more like Daleks playing Quiddich. "It is the Potter!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! " (someone I know on twitter)

  2. #2
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I love the old cult armies, and the old hybrid models.
    sounds like an interesting idea
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Long Beach, California, United States

    Default I'm well into a genestealer cult list now. . .

    Quote Originally Posted by gwensdad View Post
    Had this idea, not 100% sure it's a good one but figured I'd do a quick bounce off of people here. I think it has good flavor but may not be a good winning force:
    You can win with a cultist force, but you can pretty well represent things using the regular tyranid list. Nobody has been off-put by mine at all after two years of play, and in fact are pretty impressed with how it looks and plays. It's FUN to play against it, because everyone's bolters just rip hell out of my cultists, and yet I usually manage the victory because of the genestealers and small troops holding objectives.

    Tyranid prime is Broodlord (using modified space hulk model)
    Tervigon is a bus with a monstrous disgusting alien queen out the top
    Stealers are stealers
    Ymgarls are stealers with the fancy heads from one of them intarnets companies
    Zoanthroape is a magus riding on the back of a "popemobile" so it is the same size as zoe
    Cultists with stump guns and bolt pistols are termagants (bolt pistol = fleshborer...identical)
    Gargoyles are cultist gangers on skyboards. This is a bear to convert, but they look cool.
    Cultists with the various and sundry heavy weapons all just count as Devilgaunts. You're just rolling dice and killin' stuff. . . nobody minds the stretch on the WYSIWYG since most folks can't ID those old weapons anyway.

    I also modeled up a steampunk industrial toxin spewer thingie for my venomthrope. You NEED this to be competitive. Seriously.

    Plays well, although weak against flyers. Bring a fortification with quad gun. You are stuck with BS2 (model a cross-eyed hybrid manning it, if you want) but it's a lot better than nothing.

    For flyers, concentrate on dominating the objectives, and weather their fire by going to ground. In area forest, you're 3+ cover save, so just suck it up and you will pull out the winn.

    I will be posting pictures up somewhere once things slow down for me at work.

    Next up on my modeling bench is to finish more gargoyles and then make hordes of protestors - three to a base holding peace/occupy/love/tea-misspelled signs but clubs and pistols behind their backs (ripper swarms). Part of the point of the army is to let your opponent have fun blowin' stuff up and meting out the Emperor's justice. Then you just eke out the win by having too many bodies on top of objectives. . . very much a quantity over quality list.

    Last edited by rtmaitreya; 11-02-2012 at 05:13 PM.

  4. #4


    I don't think zombies are a good counts-as for purestrains. What about Slaanesh-marked possessed instead? The power armor will make them tougher than "real" genestealers, but they'll have a similar sort of punch in melee - zombie cultists don't hit hard enough to be a good match for genestealers in my opinion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    you could use guardsmen.

    The 'genestealers' would be the roughriders with the lances. Take super mongul dude and call it a broodlord.

    realistically, though, the genestealer cult armies rarely, if ever, actually had genestealers out in the open. That defeats the purpose of trying to hide the fact that they are worshiping the hive mind.

    I would just use Ogryns as hybrids.
    Last edited by Tynskel; 11-04-2012 at 03:06 PM.
    QUOTE Jwolf: "Besides, Tynskel isn't evil, he's just drawn that way. "

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