Hi guys and gals!

Ive been a LONG TIME lurker but finally decided to bite the bullet and start an account here to get some feedback on a new project of mine.

To make a long story short, Ive been making a heresy era army for armies on parade and as such have a ton of extra FW bits that i don't need as each model in my army is/will be 100% converted. Because of that, I have a ton of extra FW stuff and have started a site to sell the bits.

I haven't seen really any sites that sell FW bits do to the fact you cant get discounts from FW itself. But since I have extras from building my dream army, I figured what the heck!


If you use the discount code - Grand, you will get 10 USD off any purchase.

The site right now is a bit basic as it needs a ton of work but that's where you guys can help!

I'm looking for any and all feedback on how to improve the site or if in fact its ready to get the job done as is. The shopping cart system works, as does the contact page. The shop is stocked with correct inventory numbers and I have a ton more stuff to put up tonight and tomorrow, including all the new armor sets and styles.

Just to sweeten the pot, if anyone has an idea to make the site better, and I use said idea, ill give that person a free 20 USD discount code to use for a free shopping experience. That can be used on top of the 10USD grand opening discount code as well!

If all goes well, I plan to add other companies to the mix. If its resin, odds are, it will end up at Resin Forge! If you yourself run a resin company, and wish to have another place for distribution, let me know!

(There will also be the odd GW plastic bits, specifically weapons added to the shop as well as the FW Loth set comes with a plastic command squad)