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  1. #1

    Default Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminator armies - viable?

    Evening all, amongst the many ideas going through my head lately I've been thinking about doing a wolf guard terminator army. Any suggestions on what works best? Opinions on how effective they are?
    I have a blog, check it out :P - - just updated my blog 11/04/13

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I ran an all terminator Wolf Guard army for a while in 5th, I traded it off before 6th hit though. It was fairly effective, I ran multiple 5 man squads with a mixed load out. Lots of Frost blades/axes and at least one power fist per squad, I mixed assault cannons and heavy flamers and one squad had a cyclone. Everyone had a combi-weapon, the squads all had at least one each melta, plasma, flamer. I also added a Dreadnought, a Whirlwind and a small pack of wolves to give my list at least one of every FOC slot. It was a very finesse army and every once in a while you'll hit something that will just rip you a new one, but most of the time it was pretty fun to just run a terminator army across the table.
    Age and treachery shall overcome youth and skill, however nothing beats rolling all sixes.

  3. #3


    What did you do for transport? Drop Pods? At least one Land Raider?
    I have a blog, check it out :P - - just updated my blog 11/04/13

  4. #4


    I ran a ten-man termi army at 1500 pts in 5th. 2 Drop-pods, Logan, 3 wolf lords, 2x3 pals. Was great fun, but not very effective... - My 40k Blog: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard Grots, Conversions, Battle Reports and more.

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