So, inspired by our young friend's school league army building, I'd like to see what we can come up with ourselves.

Rules are simple. 600 point armies, with the usual minimums of 1 HQ and 2 Troops.

For me? Has to be my Necrons.

Overlord - 130
Warscythe, mind shackle scarabs, Sempiternal weave

Cryptek - Harbinger of Storm 25

Cryptek - Harbinger of Storm 25

5 Immortals - 85
Gauss Blasters

5 Immortals - 85
Tesla Carbines

5 Immortals - 85
Tesla Carbines

2 Tomb Blades - 70
Particle Beamers, Nebuloscopes

Annihilation Barge - 90

For me, covers most bases. Whilst I remain typically exposed to a determined charge, the army should continue to function after the loss of a couple of units. Vehicles are dealt with by the Crypteks, though given the low points I wouldn't expect to meet many on the field. Overall tactics remain the same as my usual ones, namely use the Tomb Blades to dissuade my opponent from bunching up (S6 templates hurt!) and otherwise mark a couple of units a turn and hammer them into the dirt.

Whilst it's tempting to drop the Nebulscopes and Annihilation Barge in favour of a Nighyscythe, in such a small game I'm not willing to risk unfavourable reserve rolls.

Overlord of course does what an Overlord does, and will sit with the Gauss Immortals for extra protection.