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  1. #1

    Default 1850 Ork List for Tournament this Month

    Hey all,

    So this is the list I've been running with my Orks lately and I'm planning on bringing it to a local tournament in 2 weeks. I figured I would solicit some outside opinions!

    I think the list is pretty straightforward, the only oddball is the warboss. He's mostly there for AV14 since I know there will be many imperial players (and they're actually kinda popular in my area, no idea why).

    Thanks all!

    + Big Mek [90]
    - Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour
    + Warboss [140]
    - Warbike, Power Klaw, Attack Squig

    + Lootas [105]
    - 7x Lootas
    + Lootas [105]
    - 7x Lootas

    + Ork Boyz [210]
    - 30x Shoota Boyz; 3x Rokkit Launchaz
    + Ork Boyz [210]
    - 30x Shoota Boyz; 3x Rokkit Launchaz
    + Ork Boyz [210]
    - 30x Shoota Boyz; 3x Rokkit Launchaz
    + Ork Boyz [210]
    - 30x Shoota Boyz; 3x Rokkit Launchaz
    + Ork Boyz [210]
    - 30x Shoota Boyz; 3x Rokkit Launchaz

    [Fast Attack]
    + Dakkajet [120]
    - 3x Supa Shootas
    + Dakkajet [120]
    - 3x Supa Shootas
    + Dakkajet [120]
    - 3x Supa Shootas

    Total: 1850
    See my blog @

  2. #2


    Couple of things (mind you, I'm not a tournament player)

    Your Warboss is the only model on a bike ?? So you want to run it alone ? Doesn't that mean it will die easily ? I would give him a Warbike bodyguard.

    All your Boyz have shootas & rokkit launchas ? what is your plan with them ? sit them on objectives and be a shooty army ? Personally I wouldn't add rokkit launchas to Boyz units, rokkits are anti-armour but the other 27 Orks don't have anti-armour weapons, so those 54 shots are wasted if shooting at armour (AV 11 and up)
    Add big shootas to those units... better for infantry, OK for light armour, no waste of shots for heavy armour.
    Perhaps half of your units should be shootas and the other slugga boyz ?

    Remember that Orks are good in close combat.

    And take a bit more anti-armour weapons... if you are so sure there will be a lot of imperial players (= lots of tanks) then anti-armour is a must (instead of relying on a single Warboss on bike with a Klaw)

    Why don't you make use of Trukk boyz ? Fast delivery of a close combat unit (perhaps with a power klaw ?)

    Just some thoughts I would think of when preparing for a tournament.

  3. #3


    Well, the boss just hangs-out with a unit of boyz. His main purpose is to kill Land Raiders, the bike enables him to quickly boost-out of the unit and hit the LR with a reliable charge range.

    The rokkits were a thing I was trying, I'm not certain they're a great choice. I think you're right on that one.

    Slugga boyz are REALLY REALLY bad in 6th ed. Mainly due to the changes to assault and fleet. Shoota boyz can do damage from 18" away and are a NIGHTMARE to charge, their overwatch is disgusting (consider 54x shoota shotz and 9x big shoota shots). Plus, the random charge range really hurts sluggas.

    Meganobz and nob bikerz aside, orks are pretty bad in close combat. You can win with extreme numbers but any given Ork is pretty mediocre.

    Lootaz are great for killing anything AV12 or less and boyz will glance anything with rear armour 10 to death when they charge, so I'm not convinced anti-tank weapons are warranted.

    Trukk boyz are, like sluggaz, pretty awful. I mean, consider that a trukk holds 12x boyz. Now consider that the trukk is AV10 open-topped. Provided that some miracle allows your boyz to cross the board and get into assault you then need to pray your roll your charge range perfectly because 12x boyz won't do much in the open. THEN your opponent gets to overwatch which will kill any boy it hits. THEN your boyz strike at init1 or 2. So by the time you actually make it to the enemy and get a chance to swing, you're lucky to have any boyz left.

    I've found the best way to run boyz is to simply take hordes of them (120-180 depending on the size of the game). In all honesty, it's pretty damn difficult to kill that many boyz.
    See my blog @

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