I'm working on naming the ships in my chaos fleet. All I've got now is The Ravenous, for a squadron of infidel raiders, and The Butcher King, for a large cruiser/small aircraft carrier style ship. I still need to name my battleship (desolator Class - huge, and full of firepower), two cruisers (slaughter class - incredibly fast, full of short-range firepower), and two squadrons of idolator-class raiders (small ships, quite fast, with unusually long range).

I also need to name my warmaster and one subsidiary chaos lord. For some reason, I picture my warmaster as a lady pirate, and I think her first name is Sigrid...

Inspire me. Suggest names. Let's have a party!

For context, I think this is going to be a Khorne-flavored pirate fleet. Although I may mess around with the rules for a chaos fleet manned by space marines, I think that most of the time these are ordinary mortal reavers who worship the ruinous powers and prey on the weakling slaves of the Corpse Emperor!

Incidentally - just because I'm proud of them - the names of the parts of my Imperial fleet are:

• Admiral Caspian Sollux
• Emperor-Class Battleship "Guardian Star" - so named when the chief architect had a vision of the Emperor holding Sol in the palm of His hand.
• Mars-Class Battlecruiser "Epsilon Eridani" - named for the forgeworld where it was crafted.
• Dominator-Class Cruiser "Hammer of the Martyrs" - the ship's first captain's sister had been murdered by chaos cultists; he changed the ship's name to honor her, and her bones still rest in a reliquary at the ship's prow.
• Gothic-Class Cruiser "St. Galileo the Percipient" - the Solar Lord who commissioned this ship had a fascination with the religious figures of the Dark Age that preceded the coming of the Emperor.
• "Angels of Fusion" - Firestorm-Class Frigate squadron
• "Messengers of Wrath" - Sword-Class Frigate squadron