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  1. #1

    Default New to the Site and IG.

    Hello fellow Wargamers.
    I had just recently picked up Warhammer 40k and the Imperial Guard codex. I am trying to get my feet wet when it comes down to making an effective list. I had just jumped ship from fantasy to play 40k after my friends talked me into it so I know a little about the game even though these are still two different animals. My friend says that BoLS is a has a really good warhammer community to help me get started with some list creations. I plan on taking it light for the first bit and play at the 500 point level. I want to play all infantry seeing thats whats going to probably be most effective when most of the tanks cost 100+.Well I have a few drafts, I have one 500 and one 1000 point levels So here is my first list, please be gentle im still a rookie at the list building thing. So here we go, shall we.

    IG - 500 Points - This is a pure infantry beat down list. This is what I really need the help to constuct a proper one and making it somewhat competitve for casuals.

    Company Command Squad - 80
    +Vox Caster
    +Med Pack

    Elites - Now, I head that Deamon Hunters can be hired out to IG so I decided to use them as an elite choice
    Inquisitor (Deamon Hunter) - 81
    +Power Weapon
    +Terminator Armor

    Infantry Platoon - 130 - Just the 25 members
    Veteran Platoon - 100
    +Foward Sentries

    Thats list #1 here is list #2 this one takes on the heavy metal tank idea. This is trying to be part of the 1k point limit.

    Head Quarters:
    Company Command Squad

    Veteran Squad x 10
    +Flamer x 3

    Veteran Squad x 10 – 155

    Heavy Support:
    Manticore x 1 – 160
    Griffon x 2 - 150
    Lemon Russ Exterminator x 2 – 340
    +Heavy Bolter x 3
    I just dunno which list I should make as my personal list for IG 40k. So any crtiques wouldbe great

    -Thanks a bunch.

  2. #2


    For the 500pt list:

    1. Drop the Daemonhunter Inquisitor. They're really only useful with 2 x Mystics to stop deepstriking. Probably not worth it in such a small points value. Better to have more guns.

    2. Definately autocannons on your platoon.

    3. Can you squeeze in Vets + 3 x Melta + Chimera? You need more anti-tank and mobility.

    4. Best Command squad = 3 x Plasma, Medic

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by SlavesToDarkness View Post
    For the 500pt list:

    1. Drop the Daemonhunter Inquisitor. They're really only useful with 2 x Mystics to stop deepstriking. Probably not worth it in such a small points value. Better to have more guns.

    2. Definately autocannons on your platoon.

    3. Can you squeeze in Vets + 3 x Melta + Chimera? You need more anti-tank and mobility.

    4. Best Command squad = 3 x Plasma, Medic
    1. OK dropped!
    2. More auto cannons on which platoon ok
    3. The second list is a supposed to be for 1000 point equvelent I forgot top ost a header ont it.
    4. With knocking out chimeras I have at least 150 points to use, so buy more toys for the CCS or another tank for 1k, espceally without a deamon hunter now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    You don't have to go all infantry unless you want too, a lot of IG vehiclesare quite cheap (Hydras, Chimeras, Griffons, Sentinels).

    For your first list, drop the medipack, it's not very useful on T3 models. Camo cloaks would serve you better. The CCS is one of your few sources of BS4, so get something useful in there. A heavy weapon if you want to be satic, or some meltas if you bring a Chimera.

    Allies aren't worth it in such a small game. The only DH Inquisitor worth adding has 2 Mystics to counter deep strikers, later you can add stuff like HB Servitors and Psycannons for added firepower, hood to stop psychic powers, and a tarot to help you get first turn.

    Naked infantry suck, give them heavy weapons. Autocannons are best.

    Vets need weapons too, forward sentries is overpriced. Like the CCS, make the most of their BS4 and weapon options, so grab special weapons.

    500 points could get you something like this:
    CCS-2 meltas, Chimera
    PCS-2 flamers
    3x infantry-autocannon
    Vets-3 meltas, Chimera

    For your second, foot flamers are never a good idea unless they are working as counter assault for your other shooty units. Never field naked infantry, they suck.

    Manticores are awesome, Griffons are good, Exterminators are not (Hydras do it better for cheaper). The best Russes are the Demo (anti-everything) and Executioner (anti-heavy infantry and MC and light vehicles). Don't overload on tanks and ignore your scoring units, an infantry platoon is one of the best buys in the Codex.

    To bring the above to 1000, you could do something like this:
    CCS-3 meltas, Chimera
    PCS-3 flamers
    3x Infantry-autocannon
    2x Vets-3 meltas, Chimera
    2 Demolishers w/ heavy flamer hull mounts

    Lots of firepower, lots of bodies, and extremely flexible.

    Of course these are just examples, feel free to build your army however you like. Generally though, keep in mind that a balanced, flexible army will help you learn more and make you into a better player. Build your army so it can handle anything thrown at it (even silly stuff like Ork hordes or Land Raider rushes), build it so you can play the mission and not just kill 'em alls, and build it so your units have multiple roles they can perform as well as bringing redundant units so losing one doesn't cripple you against a particular opponent. If you keep this in mind you should be off to a good start.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Chumbalaya View Post
    500 points could get you something like this:
    CCS-2 meltas, Chimera
    PCS-2 flamers
    3x infantry-autocannon
    Vets-3 meltas, Chimera
    I just have some questions for this list. Im still trying to dechipher the terminolgy.
    1. PCS - Is that the Psyker Command Squad?
    2. when you say 3 x infantry - Auto cannon, are you refering to Infantry platoon?

    but thanks im still cooking on a list, now why no shock troopers? But this is a good start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    Sorry, I get so used to the shorthand I don't realize not everyone knows it XD

    PCS = Platoon Command Squad, 3x infantry would be 3 infantry squads equipped identically.

    Storm Troopers are overpriced for what little you get. The AP3 lasguns really aren't that good. Vets are simply better considering how much cheaper they are, plus they are Troops and get an extra special weapon.

    I'm going to disagree with Dwarflord on his recommendations. A Lord Commissar is an independent character, so he can be picked out in assault and with T3 he's quite easy to insta-gib. A CCS (company command squad) costs almost the same, provides orders, more bodies, and can operate as another Vet unit (BS4 special weapons). Not a fan of plasma since meltas are so much better for cheaper. Stormies are bleh for the aforementioned reasons. Vets should generally have meltas to take advantage of BS4, flamers ignore BS so it's kind of a waste.

    Also, mech isn't the only way to make Guard competitive. Infantry hordes are perfectly viable consider how much firepower and how many bodies you can squeeze in to your army. All they need are lots of long range dakka (autocannons in HWS-heavy weapons squads-and lascannons in infantry to benefit from orders) and some tarpit/speed bump units of grouped together infantry led by normal Commissars. My preferred set up is a mix, featuring both cheap shooty infantry backed by tough and mobile vehicles. It's the best of both worlds.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Acuatly

    The way to go is Mech not Infantry. In the current edtion Mech is the be all end all and never really goes out of flavor. If I had the oppurtunity to start a guard army. I would build it as follows:

    Lord Commisar

    8 Storm troopers 2 plasma guns

    2 Vet squads with 3 Melta guns in a chimera

    vet squad 2 flamer heavy flamer in a chimera

    2 hydra's

    Valkyrie with missle pods ( ride for commisar and storm troopers)

    2 Basic russes

    Believe it or not that is little over 1K and give you a solid foundation going forward

  8. #8


    Don't listen to Dwarflord. Stormtroopers are junk and not worth it, especially in small 1000K armies. CCS are better than Lord Comissars.

    Veterans are a thousand times better.

    I agree with Chumbalaya, but I would make my 500 like this:

    CCS - 3 x Plasma, Medic
    Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

    Platoon Command Squad w/ Autocannon
    Squad 1 w/ Autocannon
    Squad 2 w/ Autocannon

    Vets w/ 3 x Melta
    Chimera w/ Multilaser, Heavy Flamer

    Total: 495

    I always recommend a medic for a CCS, not to save you against shooting (that's what the Chimera is for), but to save you from incinerating your own guys when their weapons overheat. This loadout is pretty damn flexible.

    For 1000pts I would just add a little more to the platoon then add nothing but armor and big guns. But hey, I love tanks.

    One word about tanks (this is my opinion, of course, but from experience): Like everything else in guard, just have MORE. Even if you have to squadron, it's better to have 4 russes with heavy bolters than 3 all loaded out. I field 10 tanks in 2000pts.

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