
Adepticon 2013-Blood, Sweat, and Tiers

A little background on the event (more info here): It's my first real foray into a large tournament at a big convention. It's also a late Friday night event [starting at 8PM and going until final round at approx 3AM] which should make it a bit exciting. Since I don't drink my super secret strategy is buy a lot of liquor for my opponents and try to buy my way into the last pairings. Just kidding. Not really. Other worthy points of note. It is deathclock so I'll need to be mindful of activations. It is 35 point single list tier 1 required. Steamroller 2013. All in all, it's not too scary other than Deathclock and that I may not have a mammoth in my hands by then. If I do.... this will be subject to change.

Prime Makeda

pMakeda +5
Bronzeback 10
Molik Karn 11
Gladiator 8
Full PSwordsmen +UA 8
Full Beasthandlers 3

pMakeda has been my bread and butter for a long time when it comes to playing Skorne. In spite of my brief exodus into playing Menoth [I'll be ramping them up again sometime later this year] I still feel she is one of my most confident warcasters. I made tweaks to my normal 35 point list with her, dropping Rhadeim, Marketh, Gobbers, and Midwinter to add in the punching power of a Bronzeback. After really missing the hitting power when dealing colossals I knew the BB was going to return. I still have a decent jam with the PSwordsmen with defender's ward backed up by her feat, but it's not as optimal as nihilators for the same. But PSwords UA brings great way to deal with jamming high ARM single wound models, which looks to be how the world of Steamroller 2013 will be shifting. The bronze back can get places quickly under savagery and rush, molik karn does his normal thing, it takes a stab at dealing with high Def jams with Carnage and Fatewalker to get her in position and keep her safe, and theres a good bit of meat to deal with. I am nervous about not having throw away solos to camp objectives or run around, so I'll have to chew on that in the meantime.

Prime Hexeris

pHexeris +6
Marketh 3
Razor Worm 4
Gladiator 8
Bronzeback 10
Full PSwordsmen + UA 8
Full PSwordsmen 6
Min Beasthandlers 2

After I exhausted a lot of games using pMorghoul and the battlebox, Hexeris was my first caster to start playing while learning the game. I was running into a decent amount of Cryx at the time and before eHexxy [ironically] pHexxy was the best alternative to dealing with him. Whether it was hardcountering with his feat RFPing banes or just the ability to spell sling AOE's from relative safety [thanks dug in worm] I got to know the old boy fairly well. I'll be buying his epic soon, maybe not before Adepticon, but I'll be wanting him for a mammoth list [or a second] depending on how things shape up around 50pts. But I digress, what does eHexeris bring to the field? I'm looking at him for a stronger scenario caster. With his Tier I'm getting to AD two units of swordsmen and jump around Death March to help them hit/and vengence for more attacks. The more I look at this list I'm glad for the hitting power of the butt punch brothers (Glad/BB) but I really am hoping to pull out more scenario wins than any much else. I would change this current list [not shown is min beasthandlers] by taking a sword unit down to minimum and adding a void spirit to flit around and contest annoyingly.


Xerxis +5
Marketh 3
Tiberion 11
Bronzeback 10
Gladiator 8
Full Karax 6
Min Beasthandlers 2

So the darkhorse that has been in the back of my mind is dusting off old xerxis and getting him back into the game. I'm not entirely sure why I couched him a while back, he's still just as good as ever, but I feel like I never got to know him as well as I should've. With the Incindiarii releasing soon and owning a full unit of Cetrati I think we'll be seeing a return of ole Xerxis. Tiberion is where the business is at, his feat makes his beasts just insane, and the Abyssal Cohort theme lets me take a cheap [and not too amazing] shield wall unit to provide a little protection moving up the field [I <3 girded] and still have the points for 29 points of Titans. Marketh is allowed and I think he's super important for Xerxis since he's such a fury hog, but I just don't know how much use I'm going to get out of him lol.

I'm hoping to try and get in a couple quick vassal matches in the wee hours of the morning [burning at both ends trying to get my exams completed] and will most likely be playing Incursion since it's still the easiet one to carryover from 2012 to 2013. I'll have more thoughts soon, as always C&C is welcomed and strongly encouraged, if you have the time.