The scenario required me to deploy my fleet as a number of "blips," which would turn into ships at a rate of one per turn - two on any turn during which my opponent used special orders. Additionally, any blip would turn into a ship at the end of any movement phase at which an enemy ship came within 30cm. This put me in a weird position. My fleet would arrive piecemeal, but my opponent had to make his initial movement ignorant of my positioning. Also, a number of my blips were freed from the obligation to move forward that defines a lot of movement in Battlefleet Gothic.

After the Imperial first turn, you can see the Imperial fleet emerging rom the warp gate. Fortunately, my ships are entirely out of range, and the Imperial nova cannon scatters too far to cause any damage.

On my turn, I swept forward, ignoring the Imperial fleet - most of which were presenting their hard-to-crack 6+ prow armor - to attack the first of the two squads of transports. At the end of my first turn, I’ve all but destroyed the first. One of my two slaughters is in a somewhat dangerous position, but I’m OK with that.

The Imperials had a great turn. Both of my slaughters are either crippled or braced, which will reduce their effectiveness in the coming turn. I really need to get those transports destroyed and get off the board before I’m run down by the Imperial steamroller!