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Thread: Star Trek

  1. #11
    Fly Lord
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    Austin, Texas, United States


    Agreed, that the early catsuit 7 of 9 was much worse than the later incarnation of her in later seasons.

    If you get a chance, definitely give BSG a shot. I think you'd appreciate not only Starbuck but possibly the most powerful character across the series - Madame President Laura Roslyn. In fact, there are a ton of really interesting female characters all over the place on both sides of the conflict.

    But if you don't have time for the whole show, then just try to slip in these three episodes:

    Resurrection Ship (pt 1)
    Resurrection Ship (pt 2)

    Admiral Helena Cain (Michelle Forbes) is probably one of the most polarizing and unique female characters I've seen on TV in a long time. I'd love to hear your thoughts on her.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Suburbs of Hell.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigred View Post
    If you get a chance, definitely give BSG a shot.
    Ugh! NuBSG ... I wanted to like it, but GAWD that sucked, and the ratings tell the tale. It made Phantom Menace look positively EPIC by comparison. Ron Moore ... WORST writer EVER.

    And as for feminism ... yeah, not so much. A viewer would need to ignore 6 of 8 altogether, plus Lt. Sharon "me-ruv-yu-rong-time" Valerii, and all the rapes and bathroom sex. I wouldn't want my daughter mimicking the behavior of ANY of the characters from the show. Dysfunctional - so were they all.
    Necron2.0 (a.k.a. me) - "I used to wrestle with inner demons. Now we just sit for tea and scones, and argue over the weather."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I can see this quickly going to who we had crushes on... well I liked 7 of 9 for the fact she wasn't stupid (and her boobs didn't hurt etheir). And thinking about this are their any strong females in star wars? most are hot no question but strong?

  4. #14
    Occuli Imperator
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    7 of 9 was "widely appraised by the demographic" to quote Jerri Ryan.

    The thing with Voyager is that the arrival of 7 of 9 (in Scorpion pt I & II) also coincided with a change of writters and the whole show did a massive upswing. She was a genuinely interesting character trying to find her humanity and it was an interesting thing that she was doing so with the Hologram who was also on the same path.

    Her outfits were abit on the obvious side, but on the otherside she was actually more covered up than Troi or any female in TOS.
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  5. #15
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    London U.K


    BSG was awesome.
    Not so keen on how they wrapped it up but loved how they got there.
    It's really, really worth it.

    T’Pol anyone?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgebi View Post
    I can see this quickly going to who we had crushes on... well I liked 7 of 9 for the fact she wasn't stupid (and her boobs didn't hurt etheir). And thinking about this are their any strong females in star wars? most are hot no question but strong?
    There's certainly plenty in the extended universe, including princess Leia. Look up the Hapens .

    Jadzia Dax was probably the most interesting female character in Startrek.

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  7. #17
    Occuli Imperator
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychosplodge View Post
    There's certainly plenty in the extended universe, including princess Leia. Look up the Hapens .

    Jadzia Dax was probably the most interesting female character in Startrek.
    Jadzia wasn't a proper woman.

    Or rather Jadzia was, but the Dax symbiont appears to have no gender identification. Given that Jadzia then inherits all of the Dax memories and experiances she has a more balance approach. Certainly Curzon's influence is plain to see.
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Well true if you look at it like that.
    Kira was too angry all the time, far too high maintenance, basicly the same character as torres in Voyager.

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychosplodge View Post
    Well true if you look at it like that.
    Kira was too angry all the time, far too high maintenance, basicly the same character as torres in Voyager.
    Except hotter. Outside of the make up. Seriously. Fancy the pants off Torres in character. Remove the pasty, and MEH!

    No I don't get it either!
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  10. #20


    Also....Commander Ivanova anyone? Lita Alexander? Delenn?

    Come to think of it, would it be fair to say that Sci Fi has been a major player in the feminist movement, presenting women as men's equals? Think Ripley, or even Princess Leia (she's in distress! Someone save her! No. Wait. No need. She's kicked him in the nads all by herself, and is now parading his head around....)
    Fed up for Scalpers?

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