Quote Originally Posted by Another Random Geek View Post
I can't say I'm happy about the loss of Plasma weapons, as they gave the list a decidedly "Dark Angely" feel. Are they really that bad?
No, they aren't "that bad" but they just aren't as good (for the points) as a Meltagun. At least not in a mechanized unit. Meltaguns can id very dangerous to every vehicle in the game, so you'll be able to deal with Landraiders and Leman Russes. Plasma isn't great against vehicles.

Meltaguns are good if you need to assault after shooting (again more flexible). Plasma Guns are decent if you plan on standing still and letting your opponent come to you (like an IG Company Command Squad) or in a unit where they can be massed to deal with 2+ armor (like in an IG Veteran Squad tasked with tracking down Terminators).

In the army you are building, Meltaguns are better than Plasma Guns.

This isn't a bad army. You have a decent number of guys (which will be important as you expand the army) and a couple of interesting vehicles (Dreadnought, Vindicator and Landraider Crusader).

I'd like to see the Command Squad a little tougher (a Power Fist or Power Weapon would be a nice addition to the squad), but you can add that later -- after you played the army a few times and found what you liked and didn't like in the list.

A nice start, with plenty of room to grow.

-- MKerr