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  1. #21


    Your list does not make you a Power Gamer.

    Your list does not make you WAAC.

    It's all about the attitude you bring to the table.

    There was an article donkey's years ago on what is now Warseer, but may have still be Portent at that time. And it was 'the psychology of 40k'. Recommendations included, I kid you not.....only speaking to your opponent to say 'your turn'. Staring at your opponent to put him off. Deliberately targetting his army's latest addition 'to psyche him out'.

    That to me is a classic power gamer. They want to win so badly, that sportsmanship, social mores and basic human civility goes out the window....

    Don't fret it dude. Some peolpe just can't take their licks!
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  2. #22


    Who wrote that? Gordon Geko?

  3. #23


    Hell no.

    I'm Mr Gecko's worst nightmare......

    I'm a financial complaints adjudicator!

    OH! You mean the Article I referred to?

    No idea. But I suspect his name might be 'Berk'
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    Shout really loudly "Flee you scurrilous dog and let that drubbing be a lesson to you !" then pursue them from the venue at sword point.

    If they are going to be a knob you may as well have some fun with it.
    I prefer "I can hear the lamentations of your women!", but otherwise I like this.

  5. #25


    If you are polite to the person across from you and don't cheat, you are alright in my book. It doesn't matter what list you bring. Your responsibilities do not include making sure your opponent wins or even "can" win. That is their job. The list you brought sounds about standard for Tau these days. Your opponent might as well get used to it.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Ignore them. Your army list is never an issue for me, as they are expensive models that you worked to pay for and enjoy using. The only time I would ever refer to someone as a "power gamer" is if they were arrogant and generally had a bad attitude; the game is supposed to be fun for every player, after all.
    I play semi-regularly against a tournament-winning player who brings in his tournament armies to a mostly semi-competitive store. I put up a good fight with semi or non-competitive army lists with no bitterness because I know the game still comes down to generalship and tactics. We both have fun, and we usually draw. Nothing "power-gamer-like" about wanting to use an army you have bought, assembled, painted and enjoy using. Most everyone he plays against, even if he usually tables them, has fun too because he is a really nice guy; not one of the people he has beaten ever refer to him in such a negative manner.
    I feel that if someone labels another player a "power gamer" because of their army list, they are just complaining because they can't be bothered taking the time to learn how to counter such armies and tactics.
    Check out my blog!

  7. #27


    When someone calls you WAAC...
    you table their baby-seal @$$!

    Seriously though, find better opponents. Your list sounds good, not broken, so I don't see a problem. If you explained your list to him, that just means either you or your list are better than his/him. He needs to accept that and adapt if he cares about winning. If he doesn't care about winning, then he can't complain about losing.

  8. #28


    One question, what's a WAAC? :-)

  9. #29
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Win at all costs

    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  10. #30


    There's no reason for someone to be so anti-social. Its just a game, and a silly one at heart. I get whupped up on all the time because I basically build lists on what looks pretty haha. I've got a large enough collection that I could probably make up several lists and field the appropriately nasty one depending on my opponent, but I genuinely don't mind losing and just because someone takes a ruthless list doesn't mean you won't have fun playing against them. Its all about rolling some dice, eating some cheetohs and enjoying yourself.

    If anything after facing a really tough list I'll ask if my opponent wants to play another game with some minor changes. I don't usually get tabled, but if I totally get wiped out I usually ask if my opponent would like to play a smaller game, give me a chance to win some of my pride back ha ha. I think the only real "WAAC" players are those who have absolutely no regard for their opponents. If you've got the list from hell but are friendly and personable it will still be an enjoyable experience for both parties, so long as no one make winning more important than civility.

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