Making sure it is a company that can actively support the game, and can do it justice. It would have to be a company that has the resources to make lots of plastic miniatures. If they could get any surviving molds out of the deal that would be good as well. It would mean that their Forge World side of things would also have to be sold off to the new company, and that the new company had the rights to produce any of the new 30K heresy era stuff Forgeworld is releasing.

But if they did, and got decent royalties out of it, for the new stuff being made for 30K they would make a profit out of a gaming system they are no longer actively supporting, and the new company could revitalize an almost dead gaming system that would be guaranteed to be very popular.

I know there are not many companies that could pull it off, and there would be a thousand an one legal issues to resolve before any deal was made, but it would be nice to see come to fruition, as GW seem to have almost dropped the Epic 30K/40k 6mm gaming system, and I would love to be able to have a gaming system that I love come back into the fore.