I think that the problem with all this theory hammer is that we're not talking specifics, and I blame myself for that for not staging my initial comments clearly.

I think that the problem that Eldar are going to have with new IG is that they have a lot of ways to counter our defenses, which are cover and jink saves. Between orders, wyverns, and divination spam, there's just a lot of room in that book to take away our first line of defense.

I'd like to think that I'm not using cover as a crutch but when the majority of your dudes atr T3 with mediocre armor saves, you have to use every ounce of the field to your defensive advantage.

Tyrendian, You seem to really favor the nightspinner. I have had no success with it whatsoever. I've tried using it as a torrent and as a barrage and neither have really performed that admirably for me in the past.