Lorgar, Master of the Word - 805pts, technically Heresy, but Lorgar was always weird
WS 7
BS 7
S 6
T 6
W 5
A 6
I 7+d3 (roll at beginning of each combat)
Ld 10
Sv 3+

Unit Type: Infantry, Independent Character (Unique)

- Power Armour
- Crozius Arcanium (see C:SM)
- Teleport Homer (see C:SM)
- Master Crafted Bolt Pistol, with attached Flamer. Both use Hellfire Rounds.
- Frag Grenades
- Krak Grenades
- Cerebrus Launcher (see C:SM)

Daemonic Gifts: see Codex: CD
- We Are Legion
- Daemonic Gaze
- Master of Sorcery
- Transfixing Gaze
- Blessing of the Blood God
- Aura of Decay

Special Rules:
Stubborn, Hit and Run, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, Invulnerable!
The Relentless Horde: While Lorgar survives, all Cultists, Scouts, Scout Bikes, and Sternguard Veterans in an army led by Lorgar gain the 'Sustained Attack' special rule. This means that when the entire squad has been killed by the enemy, they are instead placed back into reserve (counting as a new unit). For purposes of kill points, the new unit counts as a new point.
Righteous Zeal: Lorgar and his force use the Black Templars codex for the purposes of options etc. However, Scouts may also be taken as a separate unit, and 'Crusader Bike Squads' are available. These simply mix the BT Bikers with the C:SM Scout Bikes to form a 'Crusader' unit. The same restrictions apply to this unit as they do to the standard Troops version. In addition to THIS, Scouts may be taken as a Troops Choice - however, there cannot be more Scout squads than Crusaders.
Emperor's Champion: Yes, you may take an Emperor's Champion. And yes, this does give you a vow. And no, you cannot take cheesy Librarians YET...
Fight without End!: Lorgar and whatever unit that he joins counts as Fearless while out of Close Combat.

Alpharius Omegon, The Hydra's Maw - 825pts
WS 7
BS 7
S 5
T 5
W 4
A 5
I 7 (roll at beginning of each combat)
Ld 10
Sv 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

As the unit he has joined, however, he gains Artificer Armour, an Iron Halo (this does not have to be indicated in any way), and a Power Weapon. All of his wargear is automatically Master Crafted, and all weaponry gains the Poisoned Attacks (3+) and Template special rules (note: Template only for the purposes of Cover Saves).
He also has a single Macharian Cross - well, the Pre Heresy equivilent at least. This Cross is also given to each HQ choice in Alpharius' army.

Daemonic Gifts: see Codex: CD
- Pavane of Slaanesh (may be used up to twice per turn, in the enemy Movement Phase. Should this be your choice, then the unit may not move further that phase or run that turn)
- Transfixing Gaze (all enemy models in base contact with a member of Alpharius' unit are affected)

Special Rules:
Stubborn, Hit and Run, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, Invulnerable!, Infiltrate, Scouts, Move Through Cover, Independent Character (once revealed)
Fear the Hydra: At the beginning of the game, your opponent may not look at your army list if you are using Alpharius - all you need to do is inform him that Alpharius is being used. The contents of each transport must be named by all opponents which share the same board as Alpharius is on. Alpharius' side may CHOOSE which player goes first and CHOOSE which player chooses their deployment zone first.
Hidden Deployment: Alpharius is hidden within a single unit of your army, chosen after deployment but before the first turn is taken. In order to make this effective, it is recommended to both model all or most of your units which would be candidates for this rule the same way - e.g. using Vanguard Veterans on foot. All units of the type that Alpharius has joined will gain the Behind Enemy Lines (see C: SW), Move Through Cover, Infiltrate, and Scouts special rules, and the Sergeant will gain the 'Pavane of Slaanesh' Daemonic Gift. Alpharius replaces the Sergeant in any unit he is hidden in, but may not use his Transfixing Gaze until revealed.
Alpharius may either be revealed voluntarily - in which case there isn't anything bad I guess. He may also be revealed by the opponent, either by charging Alpharius' unit (forcing a 'Shadow Flicker' move below) or by investigating further by the Opponent - or to put it simply, the opponent perhaps playing 20 Questions. :P
If Alpharius' unit is destroyed before he is revealed, you may immediately attempt to make a Shadow Flicker move (below).
Alpharius counts as an upgrade character for all intents and purposes, and does NOT count towards your HQ choices.
Shadow Flicker: Even when on the field of battle, Alpharius is swift and skilled enough to never be caught except by the most attentive foes. Shadow Flicker may be used up to once per player turn. Secretly roll a d6 when this ability is used - it is recommended to have a neutral party survey this. On a d6 roll of 3+, Alpharius is immediately switched with a single Sergeant in a unit of the same unit type within 18". If this flicker is caused by a 'force reveal', the reveal is CANCELLED.
If Alpharius is forced to use Shadow Flicker more than three times that game turn, he may no longer use it for the rest of the game - the snake, it appears, has been caught.
Stealth Experts: All members of an Alpha Legion army which are modelled identically to Alpharius gain this rule. Stealth Experts roll 2d6+6 for Krak Grenades against vehicles, and also gain the Scouts and Infiltrate special rules.
Macharian Cross: A Macharian Cross allows the user to redeploy a single enemy unit up to 6+d6 inches before the game begins - the standard deployment rules still apply, and dangerous terrain tests may be forced if the unit is redeployed into dangerous terrain.