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  1. #1

    Default Resin Exploded Vehicle Markers - Kickstarter

    Hi all -

    I'm trying my hand at producing a series of resin markers suitable for marking the remains of an exploded vehicle. They're designed to be compatible with the rules of a best-selling science fiction wargame (area of rubble roughly the size of the vehicle, flat enough to put miniatures on it, non-LoS-blocking). The "Galactic Marine" wrecks are currently funded, with stretch goals for "Human Corps" and "Evil Space Elves" announced (and stretch goals for all the other races planned). There are lots of ways to represent exploded vehicles, I just wanted to create something simple and durable that would still fit in with the rest of folks' armies. Take a look and see if they strike your fancy. For folks in the Pacific northwest, I'll be at the OFCC this weekend if you'd like to see some in person.


    Thanks, and I appreciate the consideration,

  2. #2


    Quick update - the Human Corps wrecks have been unlocked, and have joined the Galactic Marine wrecks. Next stretch goal is for Space Elves, both of the evil and the not-strictly-evil-but-still-rather-nasty variety.

  3. #3


    I've added new images and laid out the final stretch goals for my [url=]"Exploded Vehicle Marker" Kickstarter[/url]. I've also added some additional options for "one of each" pledges to try and help make it to the end. So far, wrecks for the Galactic Marines, Human Corps, Space Elves, and Evil Space Elves have been unlocked. The next stretch goals are for the Space Orcs, then some Alien Bug tunneling markers, then the Mecha Federation (and a Chaotic Monster Walker), then finally the "Cyborgs of Anubis".

    Any help spreading the word to Warhammer 40k players who might be interested would be appreciated!

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