Cycling and cyclists is one of the most misunderstood philospophies in the UK. Like LGBT, Feminists, Audi drivers, cyclists are a classic "minority outrgroup" who suffer from overgeneralistaions of negative behaviour and attributes.

Such outgroups are common tragets for the less intelligent journalist, such as ranting and raving about asylum seekers or those reliant on social security. Sure, there are members of that population which are negative and engage in damaging behaviour, but it is not really fair to make such assumptions of everyone.

So what does a cyclist want?

Cyclists should have the same rights and repsonsibility as car drivers
Cyclists should have the same consideration for road infrastructure
Cyclists should not be subjected to discrimination or abuse simply because they ride bikes

So there you have it the cycling philosphy isn't about car hating ideology, but simply and ideal that we should not be discriminated against because you choose an alternative mode of transport. There are more extreme views who rather than demand equality to car drivers what they should have superior rights for socio-economic reasons.