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  1. #1

    Unhappy Ok I have run into a little snag with my pink horrors about ranking them...

    So far I have glued the body, legs and face to all 30 of them but 3 of them I have given 1 champion arms and face another one of them the knife and standard and the other one the musical instrument now the problem I have is how on earth do you rank these suckers the most problem is there too top heavy so they fall forward but if I put them too far back there tails hit the rank behind them this will be a 9 X 3 rank because its very fluff heavy.

    What I had as a idea was to arc them but the person at GW said I can't do that due to they need to be facing forward this confuse me a bit due to the rank being 9 wide and 3 ranks back would show that there facing that is due to the arc facing inwards from each side and the middle facing forwards like a U think a coliseum shape I guess

    Arm count
    2x arms 14 left and 15 right
    1x arms 15 left and 12 right
    Last edited by Xaric; 10-23-2013 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #2


    I've had a similar issue with those figures for 40k. I've ended up glueing coins and washers I had around under the base, so they have some weight on the base.
    40k- Chaos Space marines - Chaos Daemons - WM/H - Khador - Cygnar - Dystopian wars - EotBS

  3. #3


    Sounds like a good idea i will use that thank you its about the size of a 1p

  4. #4


    You say if you put them too far back, they will hit the rank behind them... but won't the rank behind them be as far back as possible as well?

  5. #5


    That is what i was thinking when i last did them but some of them need to be more forward then the other ones that there tail's are out more then others its has taken 1 week on and off in the week and there almost done so far took a lot of time re-basing some of them but they are coming out pretty nicely i think i will have to number under there base also who ever designed the pink horrors really did not account for there size with the size of the base because no matter how you put them on the square or round base they will always overhang if only they did pink horrors as those horrors that come with the flaming chariot then you would be able to put them on 20mm base's
    Last edited by Xaric; 10-29-2013 at 02:05 AM.

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