So I really didn't intend on starting a blog, but after a bit of badgering from the wife and friends I thought I would give it a bash. Honestly it's also been a great boost to hear people say they like my painting and really it's thanks to the many nice people here and with BigRed posting my airbrushing series that I decided to give a blog a go.
It's in its very early stages and it's going to be mainly about painting and not gaming. A kind of novice painters blog / dairy sharing the tips and tricks I've picked up over the years. Techniques that I have learned from others in our great community and brought together in one place, adapted for my own use and now happily passing onto others.
I will be covering, Airbrushing techniques, weathering, basing, wet blending and anything else requested. Its in its very early stages at the moment and the 1st posts are a republishing of my Airbrushing series currently running on the front page.
Anyway take a peek if your interested and feel free to leave any questions or suggestions. I will also be adding links to forums, sites, resources and online stores as I progress. I will be honest if you don't follow the blog, you will still be able to read any of my hobby posts here on the forums too. I guess my blog will be a collection of it all in one place. Here's the link.


I think the title says it all really, it's quite an addictive hobby we have, and painting I find is rather therapeutic.

If you do take the time to have a look, I thank you in advance.

