This is 1500pts and the mission is Hammer Blow from Space Marines: Altar of War. These are Billyjoeray's Raptors and my Chaos Marines and Daemons. Enjoy!

Also 2 rules that we were looking for clarity on:

First, how long does blind last? The BRB says a unit is blinded until the end of their next turn. My Daemon Prince charges first turn and his blinded before he swings so we played it that he was blind for 3 combat phases, but this seems an oddity as most things last 1 game turn, so 2 combat phases.

Second, his thunderfire cannon shot barrage at my horrors who were partially on the bottom floor of some ruins. The first shot scatters off, hitting nothing, but establishes on ground level. Now the second template rolls the scatter and flips over back towards the horrors. The hole of the template is on the upper section of the ruins. Do the horrors get hit? I believe no, as barrage hits the upper floor first, but since the first template landed on ground level, does that mean the following templates are also on that level?