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    Keep the work up! This is sooo great! I look here nearly every day for more Information
    And now I've registered just to say: Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Cheers all,

    NB: updates may be slow in coming until the end of the month as I am very busy finishing up my work.

    Warriors and Stealers are probably the two units where I am most likely to break down my positive attitude and start raging considering none of the obvious problems with the unit we're addressed significantly this edition, even the ones that are an artefact of the edition change (such as charging out of outflank. But I'm being positive despite what those who think I am constantly negative say so let's give them a look see.

    Warriors sit in an odd position on the 40K toughness scale, they are one of the few units in game that changes the paradigm of how units interact with weapons.
    Against small to mid strength fire with high to no AP value they are pretty much comparative to Marines in their survivability. It takes 6 Bolter/Serpent shield wounds to drop 2 Marines or one Warrior and they cost the same.
    However unlike most units warriors care less about Ap3-2 weapons as their survivability is based upon their number of wounds not their Armour save. It takes 3 plasma gun wounds to drop a warrior, where as 3 plasma gun wounds will drop 3 marines.

    The trade off to the practical immunity to mid strength low AP firepower is an increased vulnerability to High strength firepower and mid strength mid AP firepower.
    To put this into context, Marines and warriors both dies like a chump when they eat a Krak missile, but the marine costs significantly less so he winds out ahead.

    It gets really weird when you look at weapons like Heavy bolters or Autocannons. It takes 3 heavy bolter/Autocannon wounds to drop a Marine or a Warrior, but again the warrior is twice the price.

    The Hyper vulnerability of Warriors however is really highlighted by their fragility to high strenght mid-low AP Blast weapons. Comparing a Warrior to a Tervigon you can see that 6 krak Missile wounds will kill 1 Tervigon or 6 Warriors (roughly the same price) whereas 1 battle cannon round has the potential to devastate an entire Warrior squad but will barely scratch a Tervigon.

    The answer then is that whether or not warriors are fragile depends very much on the weapons you will likely face when fielding them, and in an edition where Baleflamers, Plasmaguns, Gravguns and Serpent Shields and Vector strikes are king Warriors are reasonably survivable for their cost. Just be sure to keep out of sight of those pesky long fangs and Manticores that are still kicking around.

    As to how to actually run the unit, less is more in this case. A 3 bug squad with 2 Deathspitters and a Barbed strangler is able to hit a unit with a comfortable number of templates over a decent range, even if the enemy is likely getting an armour or cover save this combo should be able to pile on enough wounds to do some damage to them each turn, and at 110 pts is a pretty nice bargain.

    Venom cannons are pretty bad and I wouldn't take them S6 small blast is nothing to write home about and really isn't even close to acceptable firepower for its price.

    Devourers are not terrible for their price, remember that Marine comparison? Well the Dev warrior loses out in the 18-24 range band as he cannot shoot that far, but he wins over the 12-18 due to firing 3 shots (~2 hits...ish) where as the Marine can at most get 1, then from 0-12 they are comparable with pretty much the same number of hits given their relative ballistic skill. So if you want to keep your warriors really cheap Dev's certainly have a place to consider.

    As to the Close Combat weapons, there is only one of them that I would consider on standard warriors and that is Rending claws.
    These are cheap enough that you can even throw them onto a fire support unit. There is not much thats funnier than watching a termicide squad get eaten by a fire support unit they thought they would chump.

    The Lashwhip and Boneswords are nice but they already increase the price of a unit that performs best when kept as cheap as possible and at its fastest is very expensive.

    And dual Boneswords are just hilariously bad for their price. (NOTE: even if you roll a 6 to wound you still need to be able to actually WOUND a unit to score the ID, so no tapping out wraithknights!)

    As to the Biomorphs, I'd only look at them if you are going for Pure CC warriors (and you probably shouldn't be). They are too many points to tack onto the chassis as an "in case" measure.

    Toxin sacs are great and combo very nicely with Rending claws for extra chances to score those critical 6's.

    Adrenal glands are nice to give a cheap CC warrior squad a speed boost for a modest price and the ability to wreck tanks pretty well in CC. You also go from wounding Marines on 4's to 3's.

    So there you go, keep 'em low cost and be aware of their drawbacks and Warriors can have their place in your lists. Don't run big squads as they are just asking for a battle cannon round/Krak missile salvo.

    Edit: Warriors can be Prime targets for Catalyst, really boosting the squads resilience to low/mid strength firepower.
    Last edited by daboarder; 03-10-2014 at 01:53 AM.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

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