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  1. #1

    Unhappy Considering Chaos Dwarfs


    Havent played WHFB in a long time. I have thought about a WoC army, but remember liking Chaos Dwarfs.

    Speaking to someone at my LGS I have "heard" they have a legal list and are really expensive.

    Where do I find the list, as there is no Army Book to my knowledge?

    Where do I get the miniatures? An what cost is "considered" reasonable?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Ontario, Canada


    Chaos Dwarves...
    There are two army books; there is the offical the Ravening Hoards list (you'll have to find a pdf of it somewhere), but also the fan made Indy GT Chaos Dwarves armybook (which more and more places are accepting).
    If you go to the Adepticon website, I think they have lists for both (look through the rules section, to find the list of allowed army books).

    The models are really old at this point and have been out of production for... probably ten years.
    Look on ebay, or similar sites. It can be costly (but you can tend to get them for an equivent cost to most modern GW metals), but mostly it'll be the time spent trying to find things and build up an army buying a single model at a time.

    The best bet would be to buy normal dwarves and try to convert them.
    It is not the combat I resent, brother. It is the thirst for glory that gets men cut into ribbons.

  3. #3


    Is their any tips anywhere on converting them? I suppose I could live with out the "big hat" look, but they did look cool. Seems they went OOP about the same time I left WFB for 40K.

    Which army book is the most newer one? Problem with fan made ones is that my LGS is very iffy on them, FW and GW only for the most part.

    Are they still as competitive as they were?

    List of whats good and what is best avoided?

  4. #4


    Praise Hashut!

    Another one sees the glory of the Father of Darkness.

    The status of CDs is, complicated. However we have a really great community at [URL=""][/URL].

    There are almost as many ways of converting CDs as there are members, but there are a few methods that are popular.

    The official models themselves are sadly unavailable form GW and not conveniently available at on-line auctions sites. There tends to be models available but often at prices that are rather much higher than most consider appropriate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default my 2 cents

    The unofficial list from Gt Metions using the figures from the battle for Skull Pass as a bassis for the strat of chaosdwarf army and I would agree. Strat withe that but be advised it is not an official list and thus may not be playable in your area

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by snowblizz View Post
    Praise Hashut!

    Another one sees the glory of the Father of Darkness.

    The status of CDs is, complicated. However we have a really great community at [URL=""][/URL].

    There are almost as many ways of converting CDs as there are members, but there are a few methods that are popular.

    The official models themselves are sadly unavailable form GW and not conveniently available at on-line auctions sites. There tends to be models available but often at prices that are rather much higher than most consider appropriate.
    Hmmm... Sounds like a lot of work, sell it to me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    I've seen the BfSP models converted nicely into CDs.

    Dwarfs are obviously Dwarfs, they just need some GSing to get proper hats and beards.
    Gobbies are Hobgobbies, duh.
    Spider Riders = Wolf Riders.
    Cannon = artillery of some sort.

    The only thing you're really missing is the Troll, and maybe the Slayer.

    Beyond that, big flying bulls, cheapo war machines, and maybe some Bull Centaurs are all you need.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Hmmm... Sounds like a lot of work, sell it to me.
    To be perfectly honest if I have to sell it to you, then you are probably not the target market for this. CDs are for exclusive dedicated people. Joking aside there's a kernel of truth to it.

    The rules are one problem. GW doesn't exactly recognize the CDs existence although e.g. this year's Ard Boyz allowed CD armies. Anyone can take a Kairos list to Ard Boyz, it takes a Hobbyist with Balls of Steel to take the CD. Not that the list purely form a rules standpoint are bad. It is actually one of the nastier lists if played certain ways. Maybe if you can say what is most important for you in the Hobby (tm)?
    But honestly, among friends how cares what GW says? Where I play Deamons are pretty much an opponents consent army. I expect to use the models as regular Dwarfs in a pinch. But this isn't my first army so not getting to play with it right now isn't an issue.

    CDs are definitely a hobbyists army, requiring quite a lot of hobby related work, or unlimited funds and time on eBay. Of course you can choose to what degree you parttake in. Painting regular Dwarfs "evil" and using regular Goobos as Hobgoblins is an entirely valid way of playing CDs. I would suggest checking the site out and see if any of the styles fit you and your comfort level.

    At the end of the day though you'll have a completely unique army.

  9. #9


    Well, it was the back ground that got me in to playing all those years ago, and adding my own falvour to an army.

    Painting "Evil Dwarfs" should be easy enough, I can get ideas from the Helcannon or whatever its called for that. I dont like GSing much. Shame they are so damn expensive, those old big hat mini's still look cool.

    It was said they have 3 lists that are still valid. How well do they mesh with the rules? I gether they are a couple of editions old.

    I took a quick look at the CD wedsite, thats why I am still interested but unsure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kalamazoo, MI


    Scibor minis makes some Dwarfs that could be Chaos Dwarfs. In my opinion they still need some additions, but the basics are there.

    They are pricey though.

    [url],shop.php[/url] - A WHFB Gnoblog

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