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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Norfolk (God's County)


    'Sisters players get the middle finger'...

    Hmmm. I think it a reasonable assessment to state GW have changed the way they do customer engagement. You can see this from the way their internet/social media presence has developed - they are engaging, responsive, troll back at trolls, humorous - and most of my gaming group - even serial haters - are liking the direction.

    With production though, changes in policy are like turning a supertanker around. It takes time. GW really aren't saying FU to sisters players - I am fairly sure we will see plastic sisters at some point. Its just that other armies are far more serving of love based on sales alone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Her Majesty's United Kingdom


    The last time Sisters had a full release (Codex Witch Hunters) they did really badly, they've sold so slowly they haven't needed to even make them in Resin (please don't give me the "but they were metal" line so were Daemon Hunters and we all know how popular they were and the SoBs had better rules then them as well) You can't blame GW for being a bit reticent people love to talk big on the internet and then not go through with things.

    What will make a difference is the the big uptake on the limited ed Canoness model. The fact that it's been bought up so quickly has probably done more for the chances of plastic sisters than all the internet moaning. I'd say that things are looking fairly positive for the chances of Plastic Sisters, what with the mention they got in the Magnus teaser
    Last edited by grimmas; 12-13-2016 at 10:10 AM.
    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
    Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by grimmas View Post
    The last time Sisters had a full release (Codex Witch Hunters) they did really badly, they've sold so slowly they haven't needed to even make them in Resin (please don't give me the "but they were metal" line so were Daemon Hunters and we all know how popular they were and the SoBs had better rules then them as well) You can't blame GW for being a bit reticent people love to talk big on the internet and then not go through with things.

    What will make a difference is the the big uptake on the limited ed Canoness model. The fact that it's been bought up so quickly has probably done more for the chances of plastic sisters than all the internet moaning. I'd say that things are looking fairly positive for the chances of Plastic Sisters, what with the mention they got in the Magnus teaser
    I've seen so many shop owners saying that people have been cancelling orders left and right for this book. People who were buying it only for Sisters. The review that BoLS did on it was devastating. It made me want to give up on them. I've been a loyal player for a good while now, and GW actually making them worse when they were already about the worst lone army in the game hurts a lot. And one new resin model, who's rules aren't even in the new book.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Her Majesty's United Kingdom


    I wouldn't worry too much about the book, GW are all about the miniature sales and that one miniature sold out in what looks like less than 5 mins, that's a very good thing. Codex Imperial Agents isn't a full SoB release anymore than it's a Grey Knights release. It seems to me they are testing to see if the internet talk is just hyperbole or if it's got substance.
    Last edited by grimmas; 12-13-2016 at 02:00 PM.
    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
    Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by grimmas View Post
    I wouldn't worry too much about the book, GW are all about the miniature sales and that one miniature sold out in what looks like less than 5 mins, that's a very good thing. Codex Imperial Agents isn't a full SoB release anymore than it's a Grey Knights release. It seems to me they are testing to see if the internet talk is just hyperbole or if it's got substance.
    Except the official Warhammer 40K FB page said it is intended to replace their digital codex. It has every model of theirs in it except Celestine, which as we now know will be in the next campaign book.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by zanth View Post
    Except the official Warhammer 40K FB page said it is intended to replace their digital codex. It has every model of theirs in it except Celestine, which as we now know will be in the next campaign book.
    Maybe because I'm much more casual than on the competitive or even daily play level, but this update is good for me:
    - I get a book so I don't have to go bananas on Digital stuff
    - rules unchanged so my tactics / meta / knowledge is set, I don't have to go a re-learn everything...
    - I hear that in digital form the sisters placed quite high at competitions: is this one of the only well-balanced armies? If so, why want change? I'd much prefer a copy-paste than a Nerf, or if everyone agrees to give the Sisters a boost (inc all other players DE? Orks? )
    - this "balanced" army can now add an inquisitor / deathwatch / grey knights ally contained in the very same book. As a sisters players this is fluffy AND useful, plus gives you the edge wherever you felt it was lacking ( to this "balanced" army -- i.e. They DID give it that boost)

    I for one used to run sisters with DCA and Shields (sometimes), I'll see if it is any fun to add them via Inq détachement Now (with an extra jokaero, or deamon-host + mace of Valaan combo lol)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Cloudsdale, Equestria.


    Plastic sisters are visible in the latest WD. Look at the robes on the SoB.

    However the process of robo-insemination is far too complex for the human mind!
    A knee high fence, my one weakness

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