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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    Anyone else got a tactical mental block/blind spot?
    Hmm... It's kind of a reverse for me, I suppose. With certain armies, there's specific ways I feel I "have" to build them. I.e. Nurgle armies should be in multiples of 7, and they shouldn't have infantry equipped with heavy weapons. With Iron Warriors I don't take Daemon units (except Oblits, which are kind of an oddity), and I don't take assault units.

    I also tend to avoid the "must-have" units like Heldrake with CSM, or Lootas for Orks. Granted, with the way the Orks were redone, Lootas are too useful to avoid. But I just dislike people saying "You must have this in your army to win."

    Centurions get a block from me on the price. Seriously, that's insane. There's a few other units like that, too. Mek Gunz aren't included because I can convert my own; similarly, I already have a bunch of MegaNobz. Flash Gitz are waffling on that wall.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Central Coast, Australia


    I hate VP and objectives, I usually just try to roll the enemy army off the board, for me, murdering Xenos is fun, the relative importance of that piece of ground (especially now in 7th, where a particular piece of ground is pointless.. OH, WAIT, NOW IT'S IMPORTANT! Wait, now we have it, it's useless again..oh no, arbitrary dice roll decides it's worth having again!) is of no interest to me, ground worth having is ground I can kill more guardians from.

  3. #13


    Vanilla infantry. All it took was getting Rickrolled by 3rd ed Bloodclaws to put me off of standard troop choices, particularly Tactical Marines. Too bad FOC shifts are disappearing.
    And Infantry Platoons, because, at the scale I usually play, it's more fun to use Veterans for all involved.
    Skyfire, because it's more efficient to take Aircraft then trying to fight them from the ground (unless you play Tau, then there is almost no disadvantage).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    I rarely combat squad, even though it's usually better to do so.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Van Groth's Rapidity


    Special Characters…..I just don’t use them. I appreciate their appeal for narrative purposes (and therefore HATE when people throw together a list containing like…five unrelated special characters just to power game), but I’ve always appreciated the creative aspect of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000…and for me that’s always included creating my own “characters” out of generic/vanilla Chapter Masters, Warbosses, Ethereals, etc. and using my games to chart their personal victories and defeats.
    By The Brass Balls of Khorne-

  6. #16


    Foot Tyrants. There is zero reason to take them. When wings got slashed in price, and with how nasty shooty FMCs are now, there is absolutely zero reason to take a non-winged Hive Tyrant. Parenthetically, there is no other build than TLed Brainleech Devourers. I looked. For the life of me, I couldn't find one.

    Tervigons. They used to have a point when Troops mattered. Now that they really don't, there's no point in not just using Zoanthropes for backfield synapse. A lot of Zoanthropes. Or at least 3 units of 1. You cover more ground. You have three scoring units instead of one. You don't need any cover. A nasty squad of rockets can only kill one of 'em at a time, and that's 3 more WC for the Flyrants. They're cheaper than the Tervigon. And best of all, the Zoanthropes don't explode when they die. Tervigons have zero purpose. None. The only thing they do is show you the difference between Tyranid players that are blindingly dense and those that aren't.

    Crones. Everybody seems to love these things, and I have no idea why. They can't take a hit. Their actual weapon is worthless. Their impact hits might kill a Dreadnought over the course of an entire game. Their tentaclids are only really worth shooting at other flyers... which would mean a lot more if (1) anybody used stormravens, and (2) if you couldn't fly behind the thing with just one of your three Flyrants and put 12 Str6 TLed BS4 shots into its rear armor. Jink that.

    Come to think of it, anything that isn't a Flyrant with 2x TLed Brainleech Devourers. I am under no obligation to field units that aren't Flyrants with 2x TLed Brainleech Devourers. Why should I bother with anything that's not?

  7. #17


    Double Post.
    Last edited by ReveredChaplainDrake; 07-06-2014 at 11:03 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Under Yggdrasil


    Drop pods. I just don't agree with the "suicide squad" mentality that goes along with drop pods, I'm trying to win a battle, not sacrifice men to Khorne. Also, they're just unwieldy buggers to transport.

    As far as Dark Eldar go, I majorly handicap myself by not fielding Haemonculi units (besides a Talos Pain Engine). They look cool and have great benefits, I just prefer my army being made of sleek, spiky Kabalites and Wyches instead of mushy piles of flesh.

  9. #19


    I never make "competitive" armies for tournaments, I go to have fun not to win. Example: A 1500 point WHFB tournament in which I entered my CW, everyone I knew were making competitive lists, I just sat there and thought "Can I fit a Daemon Prince and a Hellcannon into 1500 points?"

    The answer is yes. Yes you can.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Santa Cruz


    I never play with unpainted models or bad looking miniatures.
    I got into the hobby to paint cool looking miniatures and I can't put anything down on the table if it doesn't look cool, even if the rules are great
    I'm looking at YOU riptide

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