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  1. #7


    that's my concern regarding the devastators - sure I may get lucky, but the crisis suits are mobile, can hop up from behind cover, blast & then drop back out of LOS. I may get lucky & find them without something to hide behind / ability to fit, but that's about it really. The broadsides are not mobile, so it is very possible to deploy 36.1" away & at least be safe for a round - this would require targeting the crisis suits first since they can JSJ, then deal with the broadsides. The problem here is that (3) units of suits, in range can reliably kill (5) space marines per turn with only average rolls. so that 10-man, 240+ point dev squad is really only getting (1), maybe (2) chances.
    If the suits have drones, gotta use small-arms first, which means being within 24", which means being in a rhino, surviving T1, rushing forwards, unloading (probably into range of the broadsides, who can now add their SMS to the mix) only to kill a couple of shield drones....

    The problem w/ bubble-wrap is simple the volume of S7 firepower can destroy your bubble-wrap T1 in preparation for the D/S arrival T2 - I've tried it with cultists.

    The problem w/ flyers, is as I mentioned above - this volume of fire we're discussiong doesn't take into account the (2) riptides, one of which comes w/ HBC, earth caste pilot & EWO - even without skyfire (which I believe it can still take...), putting out that volume of firepower is enough to at least mitigate the shooting, if not out-right destroy an AV12 flyer the turn it hits the board.

    I've seen a FW rules sheet for the tetra that had them in at approx 3.5 tactical marines, c/w heavy 4 markerlight & some rule regarding DS per what I mentioned above... I've seen the rules you mention, but I never did really look at the updated rules for the homing beacon. Either way, with an effective 9" melta, 2" base & 6" radius, that means the tetra needs to find its way <16" from your target of choice.

    Nurgle oblits are golden & I'd take them over the full dev squad almost every day. Only flaw is that if/when that first salvo fails, you don't have lascannons again until T3.

    I know the list is beatable - it is comprised of approx 20 MEQ wounds, 12 TEQ wounds and 10 of some of the toughest MC wounds in the game. IF one is able of getting into rapidfire range of the crisis suits, they fall just like marines & lose potency so much faster. Its just that without good terrain, or going first, or hoping for bad rolls (never plan on your opponent's bad rolls!), getting there seems all but impossible for a balanced list.
    Last edited by clever handle; 07-21-2014 at 11:19 AM.

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