Hey guys just played a tournament on Saturday and the list fought very well. There is just one problem with it. I can't hold objectives. The point of the list was to throw as much at them as soon as possible. It did that but all 3 lists i played had transports that just ignored me and sat on objectives gaining points every turn while the rest of their army got slaughtered. And at the end of it i would lose the primary objective of holding the cumulative objective markers. So if i failed to table them i lost. So i need some suggestions on changes i need to make to combat this.

Thanks for your input

HQ (290pts)
Boss Zagstruk, Da Boss (65pts)

Painboy (75pts)

Warboss (150)
pk, warbike, cybork body, da luckign stikk, and gitfinda

Elites (440pts)
9 nobz on bikes 2 w/ pk's rest w/ big choppas

troops (367 pts)
19 slugga boyz w/ nob w/ bp pk (x2)
10 gretchin w/ runtherd

fast attack (355 pts)

dakkajet (130)
3x suppa shootas

3x deffkoptas w/ tw rockets

15x stormboyz

heavy support

2x Battlewagons w/ 4x big shoota's, killakannon, red paint, and ram

15x lootas

1997 pts total

I thank you for your input