Quote Originally Posted by Charon View Post
nope. You are free to ignore the FOC but not retrictions on units itself.
No dedicated transport without parent unit. No conscripts without parent platoon.
No Pathfinders without Illic. No Ghost Knights without Mordrak.
Who says you can't take a dedicated transport without a parent unit? I guess you, because the rule clearly doesn't say so. If they have a unit entry in the book, you can use it. Obviously you can't have Pathfinders without Illic, because Pathfinders are not a unit entry, they are simply an upgrade Illic provides to a unit. As for Modrak, I can find a unit entry for them, so I can include them.

The rule literally states, as Ssyrie states, "simply use whichever units from your collection you want.".
Nowhere does it specify that you have to follow ordinary unit restrictions, which everything you have listed are. In fact, the rule also doesn't mention you can ignore the standard force organization chart, so I suppose by your logic, that means you can't ignore it and you are not allowed to take any heavy units without first taking an HQ and 2 troops.

The whole idea behind unbound is that you can take the units you want. Now you are trying to somehow twist this into a real "rule" by adding things that aren't there.