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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Paw Paw, MI

    Default [Cash][Paypal]Everything under the sun, 40k, Fantasy, Warmachine[USA]

    Hello there,

    To start off, it truly isn't everything under the sun but it is a lot of 40k and Fantasy stuff. I also have some Warmachine. At the time of the posting I'm only posting 8 items but will continue to add items when I get pictures and upload them.

    I'm mainly looking for paypal, will accept cash/check.

    I'm hoping to be rid of all of my war gaming items before September because I'm moving across the country for school and will have no time or room for the hobby at this time in my life.

    Oh do not pay attention to the price stickers, those are what I paid for them and do not expect to get that back. Just make an offer.
    To start.

    The Current list of carrying cases.
    1x Dark Vengeance with Foam for the set case.
    1x Black Games Workshop Case with 3 trays of infantry foam.

    The Current list of audio dramas/books for sale.
    The Horus Heresy: Garro Oath of Moment
    A SIGNED copy of The Horus Heresy: Butcher's Nails
    The Horus Heresy: A Thousand Sons

    The current list models of what is for sale.
    1x Vampire Counts Skeletons Box - Opened (I do believe all the sprue is there check the picture
    1x Dark Elf Black Ark Corsairs Box - Unopened
    2x Dward Warriors Box - Unopened
    1x Louen Leoncoeur King of Bretonnia Box - Unopened
    1x Tomb Kings Skeleton Warriors Box - Unopened
    1x Catachan Heavy Weapons Squad Box - Unopened
    1x Skaven Clanrats Box - Unopened

    Thank you for taking the time to look. Hopefully we can work something out.
    Last edited by Karl Rohr; 08-21-2014 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Photobucket embed didn't work, added items

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