Ladies, germs, and gentlemen of the broad. I have returned to Warhammer!

After taking a break for a few months I have had time to refresh myself and focus on other things. I am now returning to kick some face.

Ever loyal to our beloved God-Emperor, I am restarting with a fresh Space Marine project. I say fresh, they have existed for a long time, but I want them on the table.

For those of you who don't know, I am talking about my own homebrew Chapter, the Sons of Proteus. I am stuck however, I want a really unique and inspired colour scheme that isn't just 50 Shades of Space Grey. They have undergone 3 different colour schemes over the years, none that have particularly caught me. Any help would be hot.

Here are some details to get the ball rolling:

Chapter Name: Sons of Proteus (formerly: Proteus Warriors) (alternate (slang): Protean, Fireborn, Skyrunner)
Progenitor Legion: Iron Hands
Primarch: Ferrus Manus
Founding: 24th
Gene-seed Purity: Deviancy - Higher resistance to toxins and temperature variations than regular Astartes, pale skin, swirling red eyes.

Home World: Proteus (High Tech-level Volcanic Forge World)
Recruiting Worlds: Skarn (feral ice world), Proxilis VI (post-apocalyptic world, ample in resources), Taritus II (jungle world, ample in resources, agricultural) and Taritus III (civilised temperate world)

Chapter Master: Forgemaster Virgil
Current Strength: Near full strength
Organisation: Unique (Chapter markings vary, HQ ranking is non-standard Codex due to strong ties with Mechanicum)

Forgemaster (Chapter Master and Chief Techmarine)
Master of the Ordo Machina (Master of Sanctity)
Pyrelord (Chief Librarian)
Poisonmaster (Chief Apothecary)
The Protean Guard (Honour Guard)
1st Echelon
2nd Echelon
3rd Echelon
4th Echelon
5th Echelon
6th Echelon
Scout Company 1
Scout Company 2

Chapter Tactics: Attrition Warfare and Extreme Conditions Engagements
Demeanour: Adapt or Die
War Cry: In fiery form we descend! (alternate: Fire falls upon you!)
Trademark: Unusual technology (Mark 19 Draco Anti-Gravity Acceleration Pack, Mark 4 Protean Heavy Bolter, MIT Destroyer Rounds)

Colour Scheme:
Turquoise and Brass (first iteration)
Green and Brass (camo variation, draconic clan markings showing)
Granite Grey and Brass (2nd iteration - latest, draconic clan markings showing)

Chapter Symbol:
Original - The Red Omen (red skull surrounded by a cog)
Current - The Red Dragon Rampant

Chapter Allies (primary):
Adeptus Mechanicus
Adeptus Titanicus
Imperial Guard Regiments of the Protos Sector
Imperial Navy

Chapter Enemies (primary):
Servants of Chaos (all)

Notable Engagements:
Uprising of Kaaros XI
Battle for Uren's Reach
Cleansing of Vigil's Fury
Fall of Jourin XIV
Rise of the Machines