Quote Originally Posted by daboarder View Post
Yeah no, If the cop has behaved the way he did based solely on the other guys race, then he's a racist ****.
I however am willing to wait until I hear more about the situation.

because unlike people here, I don't judge people because of their race, sex culture or creed. I judge them on how they act, including their actions and judgments of others.

Its called equality and you should really try it sometime as opposed to your "Boots on the other foot" attitude
I'm judging people on how they act too, that's why I'm condemning the US police forces for killing an unarmed black man every day with no consequences for the officers responsible, amongst other, daily acts of brutality and oppression perpetrated against PoCs with little to no criticism from within the police (all those supposed good people who care). While you're having a hissy fit because someone pointed out white cops are killing black people and white people don't give a ****. That has nothing to do with equality.

[URL="http://variety.com/2014/film/news/django-unchained-actress-handcuffed-mistaken-for-prostitute-1201305240/"]Django Unchained’ Actress Says She Was Accosted By Police After Mistaken for Prostitute[/URL]

[URL="http://madamenoire.com/470607/three-black-women-mistaken-for-prostitutes-at-the-standard-hotel/"]Three Black Women Mistaken For Prostitutes At The Standard Hotel [/URL]

Nope, nothing racist about white cops assuming black women are prostitutes just for, you know, existing in a public space...

I read a thing on tumblr the other day by a white woman who says when she is in the car with her black husband they get pulled over by the cops regularly 'to see if she is alright', because the only reason a white woman would be in a car with a black man is he has forced her to be there.

[URL="http://gawker.com/white-cop-forces-his-way-into-terrified-black-mans-hom-1557647210"]White Cop Forces His Way Into Terrified Black Man's Home and Arrests Him[/URL]

[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/black-teen-fostered-white-parents-mistaken-burglar-attacked-cops/"]Black Teen With White Parents Mistaken For Burglar, Assaulted By Cops In His Own Home[/URL]

But you know instead of acnowledging trends in white behaviour towards black people in America I guess we should just ignore what the black people are saying and act like things are all fine, because that's equality now apparently.