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  1. #1

    Default Question for Dark Eldar modellers

    Hi guys, I do have a DE force at the moment of all females. I would like to add some more models to bring their points to match some of my other armies and was looking at maybe some Helions. My question is, can you interchange wych torsos/torso fronts with them? I notice there don't seem to be any female Helions otherwise.

    Thanks in Advance.
    Astra Miliwotsit? You're in the Guard now son....

  2. #2


    I don't have any Helions but, as with the Space Marine range, I'm pretty sure that all the bits are interchangeable so the answer should be yes. Good luck finding enough female torsos though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Perth, Australia


    For the most part the hellion and wych torsos are interchangable, yes. You may have to do a little gap filling or plastic shaving in places because the shoulder pads don't always match and if you're not very careful you'll end up with a few sets that don't fit cleanly. That said, for the torsos on the actual hellions the male and female ones are very similar to begin with, so if you're doing some head swaps you could easily keep the chests from the kit as well. Which would cut down on the number of bits you need to get hold of.
    Kabal of Venomed Dreams

  4. #4


    I'm not sure why you think there are no female Hellions; the box comes with 3 male torsos and 2 female, same as the Scourges.

    You can pretty much mix and match any given torso and legs from Warriors, Wyches, Hellions and Scourges; they all use the same socket, it's like mixing up Space Marine parts. Not Wracks though.

  5. #5


    All non Haemonculus coven Dark Eldar models have interchangeable bits; they are all compatible with each other. The Archon is just a Kabalite Warrior with a cape and slightly fancier armour.

    An all-female Dark Eldar army will be doable, but difficult, as the ratio is roughly 3:2 - male:female torsos in every kit. The exception is Wychs (obviously) where that ratio is reversed. I wanted to do a similar thing, but for me, the cost was prohibitively expensive. I've had to contend myself with an all-female Trueborn/Bloodbride section, and the women getting all the good guns.

    So yeah, I applaud the idea, but you're going to have something of an uphill struggle.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Houghten View Post
    I'm not sure why you think there are no female Hellions; the box comes with 3 male torsos and 2 female, same as the Scourges.

    You can pretty much mix and match any given torso and legs from Warriors, Wyches, Hellions and Scourges; they all use the same socket, it's like mixing up Space Marine parts. Not Wracks though.
    Just couldn't see them in the pics; Thanks guys good to know.
    Astra Miliwotsit? You're in the Guard now son....

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